Jill McCormick is the host of the Grace In Real Life podcast and the writer behind jillemccormick.com, spaces where she shares common-sense grace with the try-hard girl who wants her faith to intersect with her real and full life.
Jill lives in South Texas with her high-school-sweetheart-now-husband Ryan, their two daughters, and one Vizsla (VEEZ-lah) puppy.
Most days you’ll find her with a book about the Enneagram in her hand or a podcast playing in her earbuds.
She’s been featured in RELEVANT magazine, Joyful Life magazine, ForEveryMom.com, and the Christian Woman Leadership Podcast. She’s also a co-author of the book, Sister, Walk in Truth.
In her free time, she edits words for others through Emerald Editing + Copywriting, and is the Communications Director for her church.
Thank you to @mayaisac for letting me use her song 'when i get there'.
Follow me on @khalifaandjosiah email me [email protected]