Could your favorite films be aiding in the emasculation of men? Here's a bold statement for you: Hollywood and mainstream media are playing a significant role in this troubling trend. In this riveting conversation, our special guest, Kevin Sorbo, from the Hercules TV show, offers an insider perspective on this issue. An outspoken Christian and conservative, Kevin unpacks this phenomenon using examples like the Barbie films and discusses the forces shaping these narratives. Kevin also shares his personal experiences with cancel culture and opens up about his new book, "The Test of Lionhood," which encourages teaching boys and girls to be their true selves.
What if the narrative of the 'silent majority' is more than just a political catchphrase? Exploring this intriguing concept, we delve into the pressure faced by individuals who dare to voice their differing opinions. Kevin shares his experiences with censorship on social media and the repercussions for standing up for truth. We also examine the influence of media, Hollywood's control over narratives, and the impacts of cancel culture.
Amidst all the chaos, imagine if we could equip our children with the right knowledge and education to navigate their world. That's exactly what we discuss as we explore the urgency of Christian education and the dangers of accepting narratives such as transgender story time without question. This part of our conversation also sees us analyzing the left's organized animosity, how it influences government policies, and the role of billionaires like Soros and Buffett in propelling these agendas. Finally, we address the importance of supporting biblical masculinity and taking a stand against warped sexual messages.
Check out Kevin Sorbo's website.
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