Artemis Fowl is a movie that was forgotten the minute after it came out. The Percy Jackson movies look like Citizen Kane compared to this movie. It is a movie that has a villain who barely appears in the film. The kid is annoying and Josh Gad's accent is the most painful thing in the world. So you can guess how we felt about it.
Hate Watching is a show where two less than appealing men talk about odious movies.
#kennethbranaugh #2020 #schlockobusters #artemisfowl #colinfarrrel #elves #trolls #books #fantasy #swingandamiss #hollyshort #joshgad #bigdwarf
Was thinking about MySpace today. I still have a tab on my computer for my old MySpace page. I loved MySpace, you could set it up however you wanted within their weird page layout. Post images and connect with people. Then their interface got older and Facebook came along and MySpace didn't update with the times and then it was dead. They have tried to revive the corpse but that has not worked. And now we are stuck with all the issues of Facebook, which in turn will get killed by some other platform. And that is the way of life, each stronger platform comes, kills off the weaker ones until a stronger platform kills it and takes supremacy. Just like us all. Waiting for age to take us down. The reaper is just waiting around the corner. But MySpace was fun.
Be our friend!
Dan: @shakybacon
Tony: @tonydczech
And follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT