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Hate Watching with Dan and Tony

Hate Watching Dark Phoenix

82 min • 19 januari 2024

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Could the X-Men have stood a chance against the cinematic juggernaut that is "Avengers: Endgame"? We're closing out our series on the X-Men reboot with a fiery critique of "X-Men: Dark Phoenix," diving into its untimely release and how it may have contributed to its box office downfall. As we bid farewell to the franchise, we spare no detail in examining narrative mishaps, including Jean Grey's overshadowed journey and the stray shots from the source material that left fans puzzled. We even take a moment, between the serious analysis, to chuckle at some of the movie's more perplexing decisions and how certain scenes left us scratching our heads.

When you have characters as rich as Mystique, Cyclops, and Storm, it's a wonder how their depictions in "Dark Phoenix" veered so far from their comic roots. Tensions rise as we dissect the altered leadership dynamics and discuss Jennifer Lawrence's Mystique taking the reins in a way that left many core fans feeling disoriented. We also pull apart the thread of Professor X's repeated manipulations, questioning their impact on the film's faithfulness to the original narrative. Between poignant critiques, we can't help but let out a laugh over some of the film's bizarre moments that seem to defy both logic and gravity.

As we look ahead with anticipation for more authentic representations in superhero cinema, teased by "Deadpool 3," we reflect on the missed opportunities for character arcs throughout the X-Men series, especially for Jean Grey. And just when you think we're done, we gear up for our next cinematic adventure: the Shane Blackathon, where we'll chew over the savory bits of his directorial feats and gristle through the not-so-great, inviting our audience to join in on the discussion. Get ready for a whirlwind of humor, critique, and a deep appreciation for superhero flicks and the craft of storytelling.

Be our friend!

Dan: @shakybacon
Tony: @tonydczech

And follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT

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