E.T., a movie that lives in the hearts of a generation. If you saw it as a kid, you fell in love with it. If you watch it now as an adult, you ask what the hell is going on in this movie. They never made a second one and I can only imagine what a mess that would have been. So enjoy as we make fun of E.T. and if you love this movie, it is not our problem.
Hate Watching is a show that runs too long with lots of useless opinions about movies that came out in the past.
#ET #extra-terrestrial #spielburg #stevenspeilburg #deadinaditch #coverETinpowderedsugar #elliot #phonehome #eatenbyaracoon #HarveytheDog #geranium #actuallytheGovernmentaretheGoodGuys #kindofaloser #liveswihthisparents
Also we address the great mug controversy.
What does life owe us? Nothing is probably the right answer. We should be happy for the little things. A fresh piece of fruit. The laugh of a baby. The attention of a dog. But instead we get caught up wanting more and more. Enough is never enough. I want it all. Until hopefully we realize that a single piece of fruit is enough. At least for now. At least until it is dinner time.....
Be our friend!
Dan: @shakybacon
Tony: @tonydczech
And follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT