This movie is a mess and Hollywood decided to blame the person who's fault it was not - Brenden Fraser. This movie is a non-emotional corny mess even down to the Looney Tunes TM sound effects. What should have been a man's struggle to return to life from a nightmare world, instead is packed with flat laughs and stupid bits. And we can't even talk about Whoopi Goldberg who is phenomenally terrible.
Hate Watching is the show that is not the go to show.
#henryselick #brendenfraser
Been playing a new game on my phone Pikmin Bloom. Its not new to the world but it is new to me. As I walk around I plant flowers and am then rewarded with Pikmin who then go do jobs for me which leads to them getting fruit which I feed to them to get more flowers. Rinse and repeat. But I love it. Ive got my own little army that follows me around and does what I see. I now why people yearn for power. I have it now and I will never give it up. Until I get bored and move on to the next thing.
Be our friend!
Dan: @shakybacon
Tony: @tonydczech
And follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT