Trey Grissom entered the Naval Academy to play football & left there to become a Marine after highlighting his collegiate football career in one of the great Navy upsets over rival Notre Dame in 2010. The rigors of the Academy & college football prepared Grissom well for leading Marines in combat. But as combat goes, nothing ever fully prepares you for that experience, except the experience itself. That sentiment is reflected in Grissom's thoughts on his combat tour in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, as well as in his reflection on probably one of the most high profile assignments a Marine can undertake - platoon commander at Marine Barracks Washington, D.C. There, he oversaw several Marine burials at Arlington National Cemetery, bringing honor & dignity to those who didn't make it home alive. This episode goes deep inside the mind of a Marine who has been in the unfortunate position of laying his brothers to rest both on & off the battlefield, but has exemplified the leader he is by handling this duty with incredible poise & strength. Check it out!
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