So, you’ve successfully scaled your start-up and you’re growing into a mature company. What, if anything, should you retain from those early days?
Harvard Business School professor Ranjay Gulati says the most successful organizations have one thing in common: a soul. “Soul” goes beyond culture, purpose, or even the founder. It’s about having three things: strategic business intent, a strong connection to customers, and a stellar employee experience. Gulati argues that if you don’t preserve these elements as you scale, you’ll lose what makes your company special.
In this episode, he explains how to define the specific problem your company solves, with plenty of real-world examples from Netflix, Apple, and Warby Parker. You’ll also learn how to bring the voice of customers into your organization and ensure that your employees feel connected to them.
Key episode topics include: strategy, entrepreneurship, organizational culture, start-up, scaling.
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· Listen to the full HBR IdeaCast episode: Finding (and Keeping) Your Company’s Soul (2019)
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