Are you ready to manifest supernatural weight loss ... with God? Have you prayed for it and wondered why it's not happening? Maybe you want physical weight loss or spiritual weight loss from burdens. Either way, it's possible with God, so why isn't it working?
Hinderance 1 - (go to previous episode) 4 biblical laws of sowing and reaping that may be hindering your supernatural weight loss.
Hinderance 2 - (go to previous episode) identity thieves ... especially ones telling us we aren't lovable or beautiful ... keep us from receiving.
Hinderance 3 - (go to previous episode) What do you reach to for comfort? Do you have unaddressed pain that you keep avoiding?
Hinderance 4 - (go to previous episode) Are nutrition labels & calorie counting stealing your worship? Worship is when we place value on something with our time, attention, finances, & other capabilities. Anything we worship other than God is idolatry and needs to be removed from our life.
Hinderance 5 - Need freedom from dieting? You cannot use a negative emotion to motivate you into something positive. The word diet has the word "die" in it. You're not going to get skinny by hating being fat. And today I want to talk to you about having a prophetic vision instead of having a dieting plan.
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