Emily Lovell is a guest on the podcast today sharing her story of Jesus setting her free from:
meth addiction,
alcohol addiction,
sexual perversions,
self-image & worth struggles,
suicidal thoughts, &
paranormal activity where she would receive scratches & cuts that burned like fire that appeared out of nowhere!
I have had the honor of walking with Emily for the last couple of years in her freedom story with Jesus! I actually shared some testimonies of her journey to freedom in my book, “No Fear Allowed.”
Today, she is ready to share her testimony with the world so that others can know how awesome and personal Jesus is!
Read the original blog of our testimony: https://heatherobrien.net/blog/f/word-of-knowledge-via-word-association
Join the FREE 7-Day Mental Makeover Challenge: https://mailchi.mp/4f120f3dfbbe/7-day-mental-makeover-challenge
Get the "No Fear Allowed" book, workbook, or video course here: https://heatherobrien.net/courses
Book your prophetic healing session: https://squareup.com/appointments/book/21ig91cgi5o13v/LA7GRN6HHX65N/services