Millie’s father passed away just prior to her first pregnancy. She was consumed by grief and had no capacity to take birth preparation on board. Just shy of 42 weeks pregnant, Millie agreed to an induction and a sequence of disempowering, sometimes traumatising, events played out, including a 3rd degree tear which required 2.5 hours of surgical repair, separating her from her newborn at this critical time.
Now, 6 weeks postpartum with her second baby, Millie has quite a different story to share of pregnancy and birth. Encouraged by her midwife, Millie chose a home birth this time, and she did the inner work necessary to set herself up for a vastly different, very empowering, experience.
Tune in to hear all about the self work that’s required to honour the need for a healing birth. Millie shares all of her top tips and invaluable resources.
Also discussed in this episode:
* ARM/Syntocinon
* Unconsented student midwife involvement
* Cervical lip - told not to push
* Painful catheterisation
* Fetal heart decelerations
* haematoma
* physical trauma
* Soulful Birth course
* Acupuncture
* 40 minute physiological 3rd stage
* Journaling
Learn more about my (Carla’s) Soulful Birth course here:
Or there is the option to do a personalised Soulful Birth For You course with me, 1:1. Check out the details here: