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Healing Horses with Elisha

02: Three Mindset Tips for Your Horse’s Recovery

24 min • 17 oktober 2023

Owning a horse is a demanding journey that can severely test our emotional resilience!  

Confronting health issues like chronic laminitis, COPD, PPID, or behavioral concerns with our equine partners can stir up a whirlwind of emotions that can significantly influence the way we make our decisions. Yet, regrettably, there is little support available out there. So, in this episode, I will explore the importance of mindset for horse owners.

I firmly believe that working on your mindset can profoundly impact all aspects of your life. Join me today to discover the crucial role mindset plays in equine care and learn how working on it can help you overcome any challenges you may encounter with your horse.

Understanding the Mind-Body Connection 

Mindset is a powerful force rooted in our thoughts, emotions, feelings, and beliefs that influence our everyday lives and shape our approach to equine health. A single thought has the potential to impact our entire physical well-being, even raising our blood pressure. In horses, those thoughts can lead to detrimental beliefs. So, we must become more aware of how our thoughts influence our emotions and actions.

Harnessing the Energy of Thoughts and Emotions 

Thoughts are like energy, and emotions represent that energy in motion. With their extensive energy fields, horses perceive our thoughts and emotions, directly influencing their health and vitality. So, we must be mindful of the signals we are sending.

Distinguishing Low and High Vibration Emotions

Low-vibration emotions, like fear, worry, anger, jealousy, shame, guilt, and grief, can hinder healing and lead to stress, inflammation, and negative behaviors. However, high-vibration emotions, like love, joy, peace, acceptance, inspiration, and confidence, can promote healing and strengthen your bond with your horse.

Mindset Tips for a Positive Equine Health Journey: 

1. Avoid Catastrophizing: Don't jump to worst-case scenarios when facing health challenges. Focus instead on the outcome you desire. Setting clear intentions can help you direct your energy positively.

2. Make Informed, Not Emotional Decisions: Emotions can cloud judgment, and heightened emotional states can lead to poor decision-making. Recognizing your emotional triggers will enhance your emotional intelligence and help you differentiate between your emotions and those of your horse.

3. Distinguish Your Emotions from Those of Your Horse: You must separate your emotional baggage from the reality your horse experiences. Projecting your emotions could exacerbate your horse's health issue. Avoid doing that and learn to recognize which emotions are coming from your horse and which emotions belong to you.

Embracing a Positive Mindset

Embracing a positive mindset can enhance your life and the healing journey of your horse. Understanding the power of your thoughts and emotions will allow you to create an environment conducive to healing, growth, and mutual well-being.

Horses Are Emotional Mirrors

Horses have emotional intelligence and an uncanny ability to sense our emotions. They inherently come from a place of service, always eager to assist and support us. However, they can also absorb our stress, anger, grief, and frustration. When already grappling with a chronic or severe health problem, taking on our emotional baggage will hinder their progress. Being accountable for your emotional state is essential during your healing journey.

Be the Emotional Leader

You must be the emotional leader of your horse, especially when dealing with health issues characterized by ups and downs, such as COPD and allergies. Horses yearn for consistency, clarity, and security and rely on us for emotional stability. Being a constant source of emotional strength will help you guide your horse toward its recovery.

Realistic Expectations for Recovery

Healing is a gradual process, especially for horses with chronic health challenges. Steady progress is more valuable than abrupt change, and setting achievable and realistic healing goals is essential. Being clear about your objectives can offer your horse the same clarity and instill a sense of security and stability.

Decisive Leadership

Horses require consistent leadership that includes confident decision-making. Making informed choices can lead to better results for you and your horse, while indecision can hinder their progress. Your horse looks to you for guidance, and its health journey will benefit from your consistent approach.

Avoiding Emotional Instability

Horses do not appreciate unpredictability or frequent changes in your emotional state. Your emotional stability contributes to your horse's security and their emotional stability and helps minimize stress, which could suppress its immune system and cause inflammation.

Mitigating Stress

Horses can detect stress with astonishing precision, even by scent. Your high stress levels can make your horse worry about whether you can protect it. Stress suppresses the immune system and leads to inflammation. Prioritizing your emotional health can ultimately minimize the stress that your horse experiences.

A Guiding Light in the Healing Journey

I hope you find this episode helpful, especially when navigating a challenging healing journey with your horse. Revisit this information as often as needed to reinforce your role as the emotional leader and ensure a smoother road to good health! 

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