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Healing Horses with Elisha

08: 3 Reasons to Include Herbs & Plants in your Horse’s Health Program

27 min • 28 november 2023

This week, I cover an essential aspect of formulating an effective wellness, preventative, or recovery program for your horse. 

Plants are essential for horses because they are super-vegans, but we took away their ability to choose what they eat when we domesticated them. Now, it is up to us to choose their food. However, we sometimes make mistakes about what they need. 

We are all trying to find the best way to feed and care for our horses. So today, I explain the benefits of supplementing your horse’s diet with plants and herbs. 

The Importance of Plants in Horse Health Programs

When considering health programs for horses, plants often take a back seat. For domesticated horses, however, plants should be a priority as they mimic the varied diet horses would have in the wild. Wild horses derive vitality and strength from a diverse plant-based diet, and that is often lacking in domesticated horses. The decline in health for many horses stems from nutritional gaps, which can be challenging to address, especially for horses with no access to pasture. In those cases, incorporating plants into their diet is crucial.

Quick and Affordable Solutions: Medication vs. Plants

Medication provides quick and permanent solutions for horse health issues. While medication has its place, herbs and plants also offer valuable benefits. Unfortunately, many horse owners lack knowledge about herbs and their applications, which leads them to underestimating their potential. Natural options that include herbs provide substantial benefits for many equine health challenges, offering a safer alternative that aligns far more closely with the needs of a horse.

Plant-Based Solutions for Nutrient Deficiencies

A critical aspect of any horse’s health is their nutrition. Domesticating horses has resulted in nutrient deficiencies, one of the leading causes of equine health conditions. 

Live Forage is Crucial 

Many domesticated horses have become so digestively compromised that they cannot even absorb nutritional supplements, making live forage a crucial component for horses unable to access pasture regularly. Plants fill the nutritional void and promote better digestion, absorption, and well-being. That is why it is essential for horse owners to understand the significance of plants when addressing nutrient deficiencies or creating effective health programs.

Medicinal Properties of Plants in Horse Health

Beyond their nutritional value, plants also carry a number of medicinal properties. Various plant compounds, like flavonoids, tannins, and coumarins, work synergistically to promote and restore equine health. The potential of plants for supporting detoxification, reducing inflammation, strengthening the musculoskeletal system, fighting infections, and discouraging parasites is substantial. Plants also play a crucial role in balancing hormones and promoting healthy digestion. By recognizing and harnessing the medicinal properties of plants, you can contribute significantly to your horse's overall health and vitality.

Plant-Based Solutions vs. Pharmaceuticals

Distinguishing between plant-based solutions and pharmaceutical drugs is essential for understanding how they impact a horse’s health. Medicinal plants provide a holistic approach for addressing underlying causes such as toxicity, stress, and nutrient deficiencies. In contrast, pharmaceutical drugs primarily target symptoms, offering quick relief without necessarily resolving the root issues. The holistic nature of plants for natural nutrition and minimal side effects contrasts with the isolated, potent compounds found in pharmaceuticals. Striking a balance and learning about the nuanced differences is vital for making informed decisions in horse healthcare.

Incorporating Herbs and Plants

Incorporating herbs and plants into a horse's health program offers a threefold advantage: Firstly, it reintroduces the food variety lost through domestication, mirroring a more natural diet. Secondly, leveraging the diverse medicinal properties of plants helps with healing and recovery from a broad spectrum of health problems. Lastly, the unlikeliness of any side effects makes plants a safe and effective option. 

By recognizing the importance of plants in addressing horse health, we can embrace a holistic approach that aligns far more closely with a horse's natural requirements for optimal well-being.

Links and resources:

Connect with Elisha Edwards on her website 

Free Webinar Masterclass: Four Steps to Solving Equine Metabolic Syndrome Naturally

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