Dr. Donna Marino is a Psychologist and Executive Coach who excels in helping Corporate Executives and leaders move from frustrated and overwhelmed to innovative, energized, and focused; so that they can leave a meaningful legacy. Dr. Donna helps high-achieving leaders create cutting edge work cultures, resulting in loyal, productive, and efficient employees. Her clients find themselves fulfilling their mission more effectively and experiencing greater health, happiness, and relationships along the way. Dr. Donna has more than 20-years of experience in human potential and transformational change. Learn more at
https://www.drdonnamarino.com/ and find her on social media @drdonnamarino.
Live Group Psychic Training: Friday, March 5, 2021 Noon Mountain Time
In this live event, Laura will lead participants through a psychic training and exercises. No experience necessary and all are welcome! You will also learn tools that will help you after the event and all participants will have access to the audio and video recording afterwards. The session is just $88 and will include an opportunity for questions, the recordings, and of course the power of working in a group together! Sign up at
www.healingpowers.net/services5-Week Manifesting Program for Spring
In this 5 week program, participants will set intentions, learn manifesting tools and trips, and receive support from Laura and the entire class in their manifesting adventure for 2021 and beyond! The course will cover tips for setting intentions, manifesting magnifiers, how to clear blocks and obstacles, and how to move through upper limit problems. Starts April 7 at 6 PM mountain time with weekly calls, all course materials and the lifetime access to the group included. The early bird rate is $777 through March 31 and goes to $888 on April 1. The course will include online materials and handouts, in class exercises, class recordings and access to a private Facebook group just for course members. This is an incredible opportunity at the make 2021 the best year you have ever had!
For more information about Laura and her work you can go to her website
www.healingpowers.net or find her on Twitter @thatlaurapowers, on Facebook @realhealingpowers and on Instagram and TikTok @laurapowers44.