Electronic file cabinet on your phone
Medical record ownership
How blockchain can verify provenance of medical data
Consumer first adoption as a strategic decision not hospital systems consortiums
Origins of Health Wizz (acquisition of KreateIoT) and Omcoin tokens
Wearable data and digital health identity
Using the ethereum blockchain for trading digital healthcare assets and reward tokens
New technology adoption challenges in the healthcare industry
Integrating blockchain with APIs
How does Health Wizz differ from other medical records blockchain companies?
Earning tokens for winning local health challenges – But why?
Amazon’s potential entry into healthcare
Better user experiences similar to Waze
UPort as an identity layer - https://www.uport.me/
What are the initial reactions from new users and potential investors?
How will Health Wizz generate revenue?
Interoperability with FHIR https://www.hl7.org/fhir/ and S.M.A.R.T. https://smarthealthit.org/
Three big tidal waves of healthcare innovation – 1. Consumer awareness of data ownership. 2. Opening up the data from electronic health records. 3. Emergence of easier-to-use technologies
Health Wizz participated in 2017 Consensys Conference NYC competition. They will be attendees in 2018.