Solar Eclipse during a Black Moon April 30th. A black moon is when there are 2 new moons in a month, A Black Moon Solar Eclipse is a rare event & major Reset for all energy in your life, everything will be made new, expect miracles.
This week is time to focus on what you want in life and release what once was, a cosmic reset is upon us. Letting go of what was makes space for what will be . There is energy in everything we own and have, so sometimes you have to let go of some things to make energetic space for new energy to enter your life.
A rare planetary alignment is happening with the alignment of 5 planets, Earth, Mars, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter, during a Rare New (Black) Moon Solar Eclipse at the end of April, that’s two rare cosmic events happening at once! PLus Pluto goes retro!
What better way to welcome the first signs of spring than work with the rare black new moon energies! Bring your crystals, moon water, journal, essential oils, cards, candles, and any other divination tools!
Christine guides Empaths to unleash their gifts as lightworkers that are masked as depression & anxiety. Through that work you will discover that you have always been intuitive, that you have gifts (psychic, medium, empath, healer)
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