he theme is SOUL Stice....
The Winter Solstice Celebration on December 20th, 2020 at 3PM PST is a live event! Special Solstice meditation, healings and activations. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn into the Christmas Star! An 800 year event moving from Capricorn (Earth) Material to Aquarius (Air) Humanitarian.... Of course there will be a few cards to assist the collective energy. I will answer questions you may have regarding 2021 & do a LIVE UNIVERSAL reading.
Cards start 14:00
Shaman Healing Layout
Shattuckite - Teacher (Underworld/Hidden Aspect)
Fluorite - Learning (Physical World/Issue)
Dioptase - Heart Healing (Upper World/Higher Learning)
Meditation 26:00
*** DREAM Vision Map FREE Workshop Jan 9th 10am PST - Do you have dreams, desires, a feeling, purpose and a vision? Looking to manifest your magical purpose? Of course you do! We are all here for a reason, let's explore together!
In this highly experimental workshop, we take your Intentional feeling and map it out. I will guide you through the whole visioning process, Magical meditation and mapping out your feelings, dreams and desires into fruition.
**** Unleash Your Magic Mentorship course (all about intuition, mediumship development, intuitive coaching, energy awareness/healing and more) Starts January 11, 2021 - 4 Spots left!