In this SOLO episode - we dive deep into Fear! Something that many are and have been struggling with. Including myself, let's find how to unravel the illusions, the lies, the deception into the collective THINK of consciousness.
Hello empowered empaths! Welcome to The Power of Healing Your Energy Show is a live unscripted show and podcast hosted by Soul Purpose Mentor, Healer and Medium Christine. All about our soulful intuitive journey to healing at the 360 degree level. Depression and Anxiety are a side effect of not living intuitively, not trusting your gut, the lost connections with your higher self and others!
Christine guides Empaths to unleash their gifts as lightworkers that are masked as depression & anxiety. Through that work you will discover that you have always been intuitive, that you have gifts (psychic, medium, empath, healer)
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Wednesday’s LIVE FACEBOOK / YOUTUBE Podcast
24K Healing "Healing begins where the ego ends"
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* The Yearly Unleash Your Magic Intuitive Mentorship course (all about intuition, mediumship development, intuitive coaching, energy awareness/healing and more) Comment "MENTORSHIP"
Starts January 2022!