In this July Energy Ascension Update for Empaths & Lightworkers in 2024, we delve into the energetic shifts and transformations happening this month. Discover how to navigate the heightened energies, align with your higher self, and make the most of this powerful time for spiritual growth and healing. Stay tuned for insights, guidance, and energy updates to support you on your journey. Stay connected and tuned in to the cosmic energies as we navigate this transformative period together. Let's elevate our vibrations and empower ourselves as we step into our true potential. #JulyEnergyUpdate #EmpathsAndLightworkers #2024EnergyShifts Free webinar: Empaths vs Narcissts: Heal The Power Struggle Forever
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Christine guides Empaths to unleash their gifts as lightworkers that are masked as depression & anxiety. Through that work, you will discover that you have always been intuitive, that you have gifts (psychic, medium, empath, healer) Support us here (Exclusive Community Benefits) we are building community, global healing centers, and new equipment. ++LOOKING for community? Join our exclusive Soul Healers Community! Sessions - Mentorship - Courses Sign up for the monthly SOULletter and receive a FREE Chakra eBook * Unleash Your Magic, Unleash Your Purpose Mentorship and Soul Healers Club is here (unleash your intuition, mediumship development, intuitive coaching, energy awareness/healing, and more) SIGN UP