Paranormal Investigations - Do you watch them? Do you believe in ghosts, spirit, the other side?
I was recently on her Haunted Road Trips Show, what a trip it was! My guest Tracy St. Croi will share her experiences as an Evedential Medium. Tracy will share The healing power of connecting with loved ones in spirit, Paranormal investigations, not all psychics are mediums but all mediums are psychic! And the many ways spirit wants to work with you to improve your life.
Bio: Tracy St. Croi, is an Arthur Findlay Trained evidential medium, Paranormal Investigator and intuitive based out of Austin Texas.“An evidential medium is able to bring forth strong evidence of truth”To say these are very interesting and confusing times we currently live would be an understatement. That is why I am honored to assist those who seek guidance on their next move, or would like to speak with loved one who has crossed over.
Social links:Haunted Roadtrip Podcast
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