In today’s episode I talk to Richard Bock about:
❤️ The spiritual enlightenment of his 15 years living on an Ashram.
❤️ His powerful experience of the Hare Krishna movement
❤️ Finding true belonging in this moment and surrendering to the divine occurrence of your feelings
❤️ Becoming more intimate with ourselves and each other
❤️ Self-realisation as a verb
About Richard:
Richard is a master of Aquatic Bodywork, a Bhakti Yogi at heart, and an innovator in the field of Breath-work, bringing live soundscapes, guided meditation and ecstatic breath together in the Quantum Light Breath. He is dedicated to facilitating others into states of embodied relaxation that allow for Reality to reveal herself in all her beauty and ferocity. Fascinated by the dance of polarity as in receiving/creating, feminine/masculine, he can often be found in loving acts of service.
His rare gift of deeply compassionate, exquisitely attuned, and wakeful presence pours through his hands, eyes, voice and body. This presence can soften, open, and transform those he touches and has been cultivated and refined by over 40 years of his own journey. Richard spent living in a Bhakti Yoga Ashram environment immersed in meditation and his enlightened aura is palpable and exciting.
For 23 years, while living at Harbin Hot Springs, he taught WaterDance, The Presence of Being and Fluid Presence with a warm open style. Students found easy access to come home to themselves, embodied in an ecstatic atmosphere of authenticity.
He now lives in Hawaii with his wife Kiki and is available for in person or online mentoring and sessions using his newly found synergy of a life-time of exploration. SomaRasa is what he calls this new style of assisting clients to come home to themselves into the humanity of their feeling experiences.
Client Feedback:
“I have never been witnessed in all encompassing totality before, I bow down to you in deep gratitude for holding such a space for me. It was indescribable”
Quantum Light Breath is a guided conscious-connected-breath meditation with live music that brings participants out of the mind's chatter and into the immediacy of the present moment. Old patterns of behavior along with their accompanying emotions and physical sensations can melt, freeing the energy locked in them and resulting in a feeling of greater aliveness and spontaneity. “Satori” or deeply awakened insight into True Nature is a common occurrence for many participants.
From this awakened and enlivened state, we move into a joyful experience of sounding and relating together, and this can lead to full embodiment and ease-full connection with nature and community. Richard’s guiding principle for these events is captured in the Vedic aphorism acyntia bheda abheda tattva , that the Absolute Truth is inconceivably simultaneously one and different.
Connect with Richard here:
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