Ren Zatopek is a heretical, hedgeriding witch of the Ced Tradition with more than fifteen years of experience working full-time as a spiritual guide, healer, and ritualist. She has a special interest in helping folks with exceptional intensity, sensitivity, and creativity explore the deeper, more troubling waters of witchery without losing their shit. She believes that a healthy, intentional relationship with trance is a great place to start, so she created the online Hedge+Riders Trance Training Ground as a place for folks to work on the kinds of wide-awake, walking, talking trance states that are most conducive to conscious spiritwork, spellcrafting, and ritual.
+ Ren offers accessible online training through
+ Folks local to Raleigh, North Carolina can email [email protected] for info on in-person gatherings.
+ Ren’s elders in the Ced Tradition teach out of The Green Man Store in Los Angeles, CA
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