As per birthday (it was June 2!) tradition, here's a little Q&A!
Answering some of the questions y'all asked me on Instagram:
-Will you allow your child to watch Disney? Thoughts on Disney brand?
-Can you share about premarital sex with your now husband before you were both saved?
-How did you overcome being lukewarm when you and your husband were unequally yoked?
-Why do Christians allow their children to watch Harry Potter! Is it not witchcraft?
-What attribute or truth of Jesus most attracted you to Him first? Most excites you now?
-Is it hard for you to read the Bible and pray every day being a new mom and YouTuber?
-What are you most looking forward to in your thirties? -How not to be fearful about birth?
-Why are some yogis so positive and happy if it's a demon attracting practice?
-Is it ok to m*bate even if I don't use corn? -Is it a sin to go to therapy and get mental help?
-How did you grow/ mature in your faith so quickly?
-Do you still acknowledge peoples zodiac signs in your head unconsciously?
-Is it normal to be under spiritual attack more after baptism?
INSTAGRAM @angelamariescafidi
Disney video:
Unequally Yoked:
Pain Free Birth Testimony:
Walk by Faith:
Spiriual Warfare Series:
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