His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ Matthew 25
How have we as the church buried the gift of our body, our gender and our sexuality? As we continue our discussion of the parable of the talents in Matthew 25, we observe the servant who buried the talent, hiding it in the ground, did so out of fear. This third servant believed a lie about the Master, therefore he buried what was given to him.
In this episode, we will look at Genesis 1 and parallels to Jesus’s parable in Matthew. Let’s uproot lies and lean into the good garden gifts. What would it look like to walk in freedom, seeing the goodness of our image bearing beauty and the unity that leads to fruitfulness in married intimacy?
Let’s learn a fresh viewpoint on stewardship and experience the joy of our Master
You’re Invited:
Keep learning with Francie! Join the Discipleship Circle group mentorship. This is a SWEET community of women, connected with the purpose of seeking God’s heart for their reclaiming a redeemed view of sex and sexuality. Inside the circle, we will explore and discover the good news about God’s heart for sex. Learn more here: Discipleship Circle
Francie is partnered with MyCounselor.Online as a resource for Biblically based counseling, including sex therapy. You’ll receive a 25% discount on your first session. Click here
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