HER Style Podcast | Shopping, Color Palettes, Fashion, Wardrobe, Outfits, Clothing
I’m going to venture to guess that there are some fashion risks you are not willing to take. Maybe it’s an outdated faux pas like wearing white after Labor Day. (We already addressed my thoughts on this in episode #101, by the way.) But I want to empower you to feel confident in putting your outfits and colors together, to wear what you like, and to let go of the rules you don’t even know why you’re following in the first place!
So today, we’re diving into my favorite topic: color! And we’re going to explore 7 color rules it’s safe to start breaking. If you worry about being judged for what you wear or which colors work with which other colors, then settle in because this episode is a must-listen.
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Related Episodes:
111 - 7 Go-To Color Combinations To Try In Your Outfits
101 - A Foolproof Guide To Wearing White In the Winter
82 - How To Confidently Wear ANY Color You Want
51 - Doubting Your Fashion Sense? 5 Tips To Help You Trust Your Own Style Intuition