HER Style Podcast | Shopping, Color Palettes, Fashion, Wardrobe, Outfits, Clothing
I previously surveyed some of the incredible women inside my free VIP email community and one of the questions I asked was how satisfied are you with your wardrobe on a scale from 1-10.
The #1 answer? 5.
Keep in mind, the average woman spends $1,800 — $4,800 per year on clothing and wears less than 50% of what she owns. (This is a generous estimate, by the way. Studies show that most Americans only wear about 18% of the items in their closets.)
Even if you're spending way less than the average woman… let's say $1,000 for easy math… and wearing a high percentage of your clothes… maybe a solid 50%… that means you're likely still wasting AT LEAST $500 every single year on items you don't wear, let alone love. There's a good chance you're wasting at least half of your shopping budget to have a closet you're only halfway satisfied with at the end of the day.
But friend, it doesn't have to be this way! What if I told you the ONLY thing you need to build a wardrobe you love right now is a simple plan? You don't need to be a smaller size, have a bigger budget, or find large chunks of free time on your calendar before you can tackle the issue of having a closet full of clothes with nothing to wear.
You just need to follow the 6 steps I’m about to share in this episode.
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