HER Style Podcast | Shopping, Color Palettes, Fashion, Wardrobe, Outfits, Clothing
When it comes to our wardrobes, there’s almost nothing harder than getting rid of a perfectly good piece of clothing. You know, the one you dropped a little more money on than you should have, that’s been sitting unworn on the hanger, with the tags still attached. Even if you have broken it out of the closet and let it see the light of day, it’s not your favorite and it doesn’t make you feel your best. But can you really bring yourself to part with it?
That’s the question, isn’t it? And in today’s episode, I’m giving you the answer for why it’s time to STOP feeling shame and regret for letting go of the clothing and accessories that are no longer serving you. I’m also going to share 5 ways to get rid of them guilt-free. If you know you’re long overdue for a closet clean out, but there’s something holding you back from parting ways with your pieces, this one’s for you, my friend. Let’s dive in.
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Related Episodes:
127 - This Is Exactly How I Organize My Closet (and Keep It That Way!)
28 - Maintaining a Well Organized Closet and Home with Emily Wehrle
27 - My Best Advice for a Faster and More Fun Closet Clean Out