HER Style Podcast | Shopping, Color Palettes, Fashion, Wardrobe, Outfits, Clothing
I’ll admit that for many years of my life, I was a shopaholic.
I think my husband’s default mode is to still worry about my spending from time to time. I know he trusts me, but I don’t think he’s fully let go of the fear that I’m going to make a really irresponsible investment. Keep in mind, we’ve been together for over 20 years, which is absolutely crazy to think about! And even though this isn’t a problem anymore, I trained him in the start of our relationship that he’s the saver and I’m the spender.
That’s still true, BUT I’ve come a long way in learning to be more discerning about where my earnings go. My priorities are so different now. And it took what feels like a lifetime, but after 37 years, I’ve finally learned 3 essential shopping strategies that changed everything about how and what I buy. In this episode of the podcast, I’m revealing them all.
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