38 avsnitt • Längd: 35 min • Månadsvis
Welcome to Here She Stands, the podcast where Lutheran women from across Australia come together as a community, sharing stories and testifying to God’s goodness. We do this so that when the tribulations of this world come knocking, each woman can hold firm to the Word of God and confidently say, “Here I stand, I can do no other.”
The podcast Here She Stands is created by Sonja and Lexy. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer lives in Tarrington, Victoria, and serves as a Lutheran pastor within the LCANZ. In 2020, he moved to St. Louis, Missouri for the purpose of pursuing a PhD in Theology at Concordia Seminary. He and his family returned to Australia in mid-2024. Pastor Joshua is married to Kimberley and together they have four children.
In this episode he teaches us about the imagery the Bible uses to describe the Christian life.
Pastor Joshua’s YouTube Channel:
Just Word: Understand the Fullness of the Gospel by J.A.O. Preus
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Today’s guest is Kelly Klages*, a Lutheran artist, hymn writer, and author from Manitoba, Canada. Some of Kelly’s past work includes illustrating books for Kloria Publishing, writing articles for publications such as the Canadian Lutheran, and hymn writing for the LCMS.
In this episode, Kelly talks about her numerous creative projects, how her Lutheran theology impacts her art, and her deep love for all things Hercule Poirot!
*Lexy mispronounces 'Klages' at the beginning of the interview. It is pronounced K-l-AY-g-es with a hard 'g'
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This recording is of a poem that was sent to us as an entry for our 2024 Christmas Special. It was written by Rev. Joseph Theodorsen from Western Australia and when both of our husbands heard it, they encouraged us to also release it separately and make it more available to listeners.
Thank you to Rev. Joseph Theodorsen for giving us the artistic freedom to recite and produce his work and for Enoch Fandrich for letting us use his recording of 'Ave Verum.'
To listen to 'A Christmas Poem' without music:
'A Christmas Poem'
Written by Rev. Joseph Theodorsen
Read by Lexy Bourne
'Ave Verum' by Everett Titcomb
Performed by Enoch Fandrich - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_lq3aokIEw
Advent and Christmas are upon us! In this episode, we are joined by our friend Meryl, and together we read out and respond to our listeners’ Christmas traditions, stories, and poems. Thank you to everyone who sent in an entry!
May the grace and peace of our Heavenly Father be with you during this Christmas season.
When Santa Learned the Gospel - Book by Simon Camilleri
The Nativity Story - Movie about the birth of Christ
Into the Lantern Waste - Music album by Sarah Sparks
History of the Jesse Tree
Jesse Tree Ornament Collection by Ad Crucem
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Kaitlyn Raynor is a primary school teacher from Queensland and a convert to Lutheranism. In this episode she talks about the value of a confessional Lutheran education, as well as the challenges she and her husband have faced since becoming Lutherans.
Luther’s Small Catechism
Treasury of Daily Prayer
Explanation of the Lord’s Prayer
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Coralie Pietsch is originally from South Australia, but has been living in the USA since mid-2023. She is married to Dr. Stephen Pietsch, who serves as an associate professor at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri.
Coralie shares her story of growing up in the Lutheran church, meeting Stephen, and learning to trust God during times of uncertainty.
Complete audio Bible read by David Suchet:
Issues, Etc. Podcast:
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Evie, Kimmy, Isabelle, and Malia send in their questions about the divine service for Dr. Kleinig to answer!
This mini Q&A was originally part of a larger episode we did with Dr. John Kleinig on the divine service. During the editing process, we decided to release it separately.
Before retiring from his position as a seminary professor, Dr. John Kleinig lectured on the liturgy for decades. In today's episode, he talks with us about what goes on in the divine service and how Jesus meets with us when we gather together for worship.
Exodus 20:8-11 - Keep the Sabbath day holy
Matthew 16:19 - Christ gives St. Peter the keys of the kingdom
Matthew 18:20 - Christ is present when two or three are gathered in His name
Matthew 28:5-6 The angel’s words to Mary at Christ’s empty tomb
Luke 10:16 - He who hears you, hears Me
Luke 22:27 - Christ is the One who serves
Luke - Road to Emmaus
John 1:14 - The Word (Christ) became flesh and dwelt among us
John - The resurrected Christ appears to the disciples
Hebrews 4:14-16 Jesus is our great high priest
Dr. Kleinig’s Website - https://www.johnkleinig.com
Grace Upon Grace: Spirituality for Today
Wonderfully Made: A Protestant Theology of the Body
Leviticus: Concordia Commentary
Hebrews: Concordia Commentary
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In today’s episode, Lexy and Sonja are joined by Wanita Wood from Colorado, USA. Wanita and her husband Tim are the owners of Ad Crucem (https://www.adcrucem.com/), a store dedicated to making and selling confessional Lutheran items.
Listen in as Wanita shares her testimony of becoming Lutheran, how Ad Crucem began, and the importance of having a faith that goes beyond “mere expression” and lip service.
Ad Crucem’s Blog
Ecclesiastical Sewing - a store that creates and sells liturgical garments and linen
Free downloadable resources from Wanita’s church
Luther’s sermons read by Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller
That documentary Lexy watched about cathedrals
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Ready for Church is a brand new Australian podcast hosted by father-daughter duo, Pastor Sam and Ruby. Each episode is aimed at helping Lutheran families prepare for the upcoming divine service by working through and explaining the lectionary readings.
In today’s episode, Pastor Sam and Ruby talk about why they started Ready For Church, how parents can foster a love for church in their children, whether children should attend Sunday School, and how getting ready for church should extend far beyond Sunday morning.
You can find the Ready for Church Podcast on all major podcasting platforms as well as YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@ReadyforChurchpodcast). If your children would like to send in a drawing or receive a shoutout in an upcoming Ready for Church Episode, they can email Ruby at [email protected].
You can also find Ready for Church on Facebook:
Issues, Etc.
“Comfort For Those Tending to the Lord’s Littlest Sheep” by Keri Wolfmueller
“Worldview Is Formed by Age 13: Who’s Shaping Your Kids?” by Jen Oshman
“Mama Bear Apologetics” - Hilary Morgan Ferrer
Children’s worldview are set around 12-13 years - Chapter 1, pgs. 32-33
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Today’s episode is all about Natural Family Planning (NFP). Our guests are Meg Pearce and Chelsea Pietsch from Adelaide, South Australia.
Meg and Chelsea have both used NFP as part of their own fertility journeys and Chelsea is currently retraining as an NFP practitioner. Listen in as they share their own experiences with this natural method and unpack how it works.
We hope that this conversation emphasizes the importance of using NFP with wisdom and aligning it with God’s plan for marriage, family, and parenthood.
Genesis 1 - God calls His creation ‘good’
Genesis 1:28 - God commands Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply
Psalm 127:3-5 - Children are a blessing from the LORD
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 - There is a time for everything
Song of Songs - Ancient Hebrew love poetry
1 Corinthians 7:1-5 - Temporarily abstaining from sexual intimacy within marriage for the purpose of prayer and fasting
Hebrews 2:6-8 (quoting Psalm 8) - Christ made lower than the angels
Australian Council of Natural Family Planning
Billings Method
Creighton Method
NaPro Technology
Australasian Institute for Reproductive and Restorative Medicine
Lutherans for Life Australia - includes public statement on birth control
“This is Your Brain on Birth Control” by Dr. Sarah E. Hill
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In today’s episode, Lexy and Sonja are joined by Lisa Cooper from Ithaca, New York.
Lisa is a senior copywriter for a Christian media company called Revelation Media, as well as a freelance writer and poet. When she is not writing, she is involved in various ministries on campus at Cornell University.
For those of us who are well acquainted with Lutherans on YouTube, she is married to Lutheran pastor, professor, theologian and author, Dr. Jordan Cooper of the Just and Sinner Podcast. Together they have two sons, Jacen and Ben.
We invite you to listen in as Lisa shares her story of becoming Lutheran, how she met Jordan, and the spiritual practices they implement into their family’s everyday life. She also discusses the importance of theological education for women and the need for women-specific theological resources.
Lisa’s Website - https://www.lkcooper.com/
American Lutheran Theological Seminary - https://www.alts.edu/
Revelation Media - https://www.revelationmedia.com/
Barna Group - https://www.barna.com/
Website - https://www.jordanbcooper.com/
YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DrJordanBCooper
Just and Sinner - https://www.justandsinner.org/
Just and Sinner Publishing House - https://www.jspublishing.org/
Just and Sinner Podcast - https://justandsinner.libsyn.com/
Blue Letter Bible - a Bible commentary app
Catena - a Bible app with verse-by-verse commentary from the church fathers
iBIBLE - a visual and interactive Bible app by RevelationMedia
Paul E. Kretzmann’s Commentaries - https://www.amazon.com.au/s?i=books-single-index&rh=p_27%3APaul+Kretzmann&s=relevancerank&text=Paul+Kretzmann&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1
Concordia Publishing House Commentaries
Just and Sinner Commentaries
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Welcome to our very first Q&A! Last month we asked our listeners to send in their questions relating to 1 Corinthians 11, which talks about headship within the Christian marriage and head coverings.
Today’s guest is Dr. Gregory Lockwood from Adelaide, South Australia. Dr. Lockwood is an emeritus professor who has worked at Concordia Theological Seminary at Fort Wayne, Indiana, as well as at the Australian Lutheran College in Adelaide. His commentary on 1 Corinthians was published by Concordia Publishing House in August, 2000 and has been distributed worldwide.
We hope that this episode will serve you in your own personal study of God’s Word on these topics.
1 Corinthians Commentary by Dr. Gregory Lockwood
First Epistle to the Corinthians Commentary by Gordon Fee
Mike Winger - Women in Ministry Series
Genesis 1:26-27 - God creates male and female in His image
Genesis 2:23 - Adam’s poetry to Eve
Exodus 20:3 - The First Commandment (of the Ten Commandments)
Psalm 19:5 - poetic metaphors of the sun
Proverbs 31:23 - A godly woman brings honour to her husband’s reputation
John 5:39 - The Old Testament testifies of Jesus Christ
John 10:30 - Jesus and the Father are one
John 13:15 - Jesus gives His disciples an example to follow
John 13 - Jesus washes his disciples feet at the Passover Feast
John 14:28 - The Father is greater than the Son
John 21:15-17 - Jesus instructs Peter to pastor His people
Acts 14:23 - Paul and Barnabas appoint elders in the church
Acts 17:18 - Paul debates the Greek philosophers
Acts 20 - Paul calls the pastors together
Romans 6 - Christians are dead to sin and alive in Christ
1 Corinthians 1:12 - divisions within the church at Corinth
1 Corinthians 6:12 - “all things are permissible for me” - a Greek Stoic belief
1 Corinthians 11:2-16 - Paul’s instructions to the church regarding male headship and head coverings
1 Corinthians 14:23 - when the church assembles together
1 Corinthians 14:34-35 - women are to abstain from judging prophetic words in the church assembly
1 Corinthians 15:32 - “let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die” - a Greek Stoic belief
Ephesians 5:22-33 - Paul’s instructions to husbands and wives
1 Thessalonians 2:20 - Paul calls the church “his glory”
1 Timothy 2:11-12 - women are not to have pastoral authority over men in the church assembly
James 1:15 - Warnings against letting your temptations grow and becoming sinful acts
James 3:17 - The characteristics of a wise Christian
1 Peter 3:1-5 Peter’s instructions to Christian wives and husbands
1 Peter 5:2 - Peter’s exhortation to the elders
VI: Theses on the Office of the Ministry -
Theses of Agreement of the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand (LCANZ)
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In today’s episode, Sonja and Lexy chat with Karen Kerber from Tanunda in the Barossa Valley. Karen is married to Paul, a Lutheran minister and together they have six grown children.
Karen and Paul have both completed extensive training through Ambassadors of Reconciliation - an organisation that equips people to respond to conflict biblically.
They were also heavily involved in the biblical reconciliation ministry of the Lutheran Church of Australia for several years.
In the first part of today’s episode, Karen digs deep into what the gospel of Jesus Christ is and explains why it is so important. She also takes us through some of the most popular misconceptions that people have about the gospel and explains what the truth is.
Afterwards, she rolls up her sleeves and helps us apply the gospel to our everyday lives, especially within our own homes.
Karen not only provides us with valuable teaching on this foundational truth, but she also gives practical demonstrations to give us ideas on how to proclaim the gospel within our own homes and communities.
“The Gospel is so clear that it does not need a great deal of interpretation, but it wants to be carefully looked at and deeply taken to heart” - Martin Luther
“The Gospel gives peace to the aching soul and awakens our hearts so we joyfully serve God and each other, giving glory and thanks to our Heavenly Father” - Karen Kerber
Romans 5:8
Galatians 5:1
1 Peter 2:24
Ambassadors of Reconciliation - Bookmarks
Ambassadors of Reconciliation - “Proclaiming God’s Forgiveness” Download
Martin Luther’s Small & Large Catechisms - https://www.cph.org/martin-luthers-small-and-large-catechisms
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Elisabeth Dreckow grew up in the church and her proud Lutheran heritage dates back many generations. However, she didn’t fully realise the richness of Lutheran theology until several years ago. In today’s episode, Elisabeth shares her story of rediscovering her faith and the importance of not neglecting the rich Lutheran theological resources available to us.
In the second half of the conversation, we dig into the topic of God’s design for marriage and how the distinct roles that He gave to husbands and wives are good and beautiful gifts that benefit us.
Please submit your questions to [email protected] by Tuesday, 16th April, 2024.
The Q&A will be aired on Tuesday, 7th May, 2024 on YouTube and all major podcasting platforms.
About Dr. Lockwood: https://alc.edu.au/about/alc-staff/view/greg-lockwood/
Buy his commentary on 1st Corinthians: https://www.cph.org/1-corinthians-concordia-commentary
Read 1 Corinthians 11: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Corinthians+11&version=ESV
‘Broken’ by Jonathan Fisk https://www.cph.org/broken-7-christian-rules-that-every-christian-ought-to-break-as-often-as-possible
‘Small Catechism for Kids’
‘A Reader’s Edition of the Book of Concord’
1 Corinthians 11 - Paul’s passage on God’s order for man and woman/headcovering passage
Genesis 3:16 - The Fall makes unity within marriage more difficult.
Ephesians 5:22-32 - Paul’s instructions to husbands and wives
1 Peter 3:1-7 - Peter’s instructions to husbands and wives
2 Timothy 3:16-17 - Efficacy of the Word
1 Timothy 3:1-7 - Qualifications of a pastor
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In today's episode, Lexy chats with Meryl Schiller from Adelaide, South Australia.
Meryl is a public servant who works within the environment sector, as well as with Indigenous communities.
We invite you to listen in as Meryl shares her story and talks about how she has navigated the challenge of living out the gospel whilst working under workplace restrictions on expression of faith. Through her experiences, she highlights the power of having genuine conversations, asking thought-provoking questions, and trusting in Jesus' grace and mercy.
Psalm 139:9-10
John - chapters 3, 7, 19 - Nicodemus
Matthew 10:16
Romans 13 - submitting to governing authorities
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In today’s episode, we chat with sisters Bec Nuske and Danielle Brown from Pinnaroo, South Australia. Together they share their stories of how they became Lutheran. Both coming from a Pentecostal background, they embarked on a faith journey that led them to question their theology and seek a deeper understanding of God's Word. Through the guidance of discernment ministries and the study of Scripture, they discovered the beauty and simplicity of Lutheran theology, especially the doctrine of vocation.
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In today’s episode, Sonja and Lexy talk with Brianna Graham, a pastor’s wife from Lowood, Queensland. Brianna shares her personal journey with infertility and miscarriage. With vulnerability, she reveals the challenges and heartbreak she has faced, whilst offering hope and encouragement to women who may be experiencing similar struggles.
Through Bible verses and words of wisdom, Brianna shares valuable advice for women going through infertility and miscarriage, emphasizing the importance of leaning on support networks, taking time to heal, and surrendering to God's plan. Her story serves as a reminder that even in the midst of pain, there is hope and God's love remains unwavering.
Isaiah 40:11
Romans 8:38-39
John 14:27
A comforting blog post for women who have experienced miscarriage - written by Rev Matt Harrison
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In today’s episode, Lexy is joined by a range of young women* who recently attended the Young Adults Retreat in Halls Gap, Victoria. This annual retreat is hosted by Creative Word Fellowship and offers teaching sessions, fellowship, and free time for exploring the beautiful surroundings.
This year’s guest speaker was Pastor Brian Kachelmeier from Crown of Life Lutheran Church in Texas. Brian is the author of Reading Isaiah with Luther and has been a frequent guest on the Issues, Etc. and Thy Strong Word radio programs.
*Some of the attendees being interviewed are 7 and under. Episode may include criticisms of the camp plumbing, breaking into song, and cornflakes.
CWF’s previous episode with Here She Stands:
Listen to Ps Brian:
Ps Brian’s book:
The Story Bible
Luther’s Small Catechism for Kids
Follow & Do Gift Set
Pew Sisters
Illuminated Hymnal
Ladylike: Living Biblically
Psalm 62 is chanted and lead by Sarah Richter
Ruby’s previous episode with Here She Stands:
Podcast Episodes- https://hereshestandspodcast.alitu.com/1?order=newest
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Website - https://hereshestands.online/ - you can also sign-up to our newsletter here!
Yoga is a popular practice today, especially among women. But what exactly is it? Is it simply a relaxing form of exercise or is there a deeper spiritual meaning to it?
Today we are joined by former yoga instructor and meditation coach, Tatiana Overduin from Adelaide, South Australia. Tatiana will explore the origins, beliefs, and potential consequences of yoga from a Christian perspective. She will also discuss its spiritual aspects, the use of Sanskrit words, and the subtle influence that this practice can have on Christians. This thought-provoking conversation challenges Christians to reflect on what practices they choose to participate in and why the “empowerment” message found in today’s culture is contradictory to the Christian life of repentance and humility.
This is Tatiana’s second appearance on the Here She Stands Podcast. Here is her first episode on the topic of the Christian’s identity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRnq5Nz3nyI&t=1270s
We misreferenced some of the Bible verses in today’s episode. Here are the correct references:
Matthew 18:6 1
Peter 5:6-8
Ephesians 4:27
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In today's episode, we chat with Tara, a mother of two children with severe disabilities. She opens up about the mixed emotions, guilt, and feelings of inadequacy that often accompany raising children with special needs. However, she also highlights the profound joy and blessings that her children bring to her life.
Tara discusses her family's reliance on God's comfort and provision, finding solace in knowing that her children's salvation is secure through baptism. She emphasizes the importance of celebrating small achievements and cherishing the unique qualities of her children, even in the face of societal pressures to 'fix' them. Through her intimate experiences, Tara offers insight and encouragement to families navigating similar challenges.
Hymn 415 “Whatever God Ordains Is Good” - S. Gastorius (1674), Lutheran Hymnal with Supplement, verses 4-6
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In this episode, hosts Lexy and Sonja sit down for a friendly chat to reflect on the incredible journey that the podcast has been. They discuss the joys and challenges of running the podcast, sharing stories and testimonies that have touched their hearts. They express their gratitude for the support and encouragement they have received, and the impact that the podcast has had on listeners. The hosts also discuss future plans for the podcast and share their personal experiences and changes happening in their lives.
Stay tuned for Season 2 on the 16th of January!!!
We pray that you are blessed and encouraged!
In this episode of Here She Stands, Julie Klenick, wife of the LCA's Interim Ministry Pastor focusing on reconciliation, shares her insights and experiences in supporting her husband in this important ministry. The conversation explores the challenges and joys of reconciliation ministry, the biblical foundations for conflict resolution, and the role of forgiveness in restoring relationships. Julie highlights the importance of addressing conflict in a biblical manner and shares resources and advice for individuals navigating conflict in their own lives. Through personal anecdotes and reflections, Julie emphasizes the transformative power of reconciliation and the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding individuals and communities through the process of healing and restoration. Listeners are encouraged to embrace conflict as an opportunity for proclaiming the gospel and to seek reconciliation in their relationships, both within the church and in everyday life.
Lysa TerKeurst - Forgiving When You Can’t Forget
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In this Interview we explore the journey of Sal Huckel, as she discusses her experience with minimalism. From decluttering her home to creating intentional spaces for education and music, Sal shares how minimalism has brought peace and clarity to her family. By focusing on what is truly important and letting go of excess, they have found more time for faith, hospitality, and serving others. Our chat also highlighted the connection between minimalism and the Christian faith, emphasizing the importance of aligning possessions with God's calling on our lives and being generous towards others.
Show Notes:
Some Scriptures recommended by Sal:
Exodus 20: The Ten Commandments
Deuteronomy 6: Living our everyday faith and life with our children
Luke 12:13-21 The Parable of the Rich Fool
Matthew 6:19: Treasures in Heaven
Matthew 18:9 What causes us to sin?
Mark 6: 8-9 Jesus sends out the 12
Acts 2:44-46 How the early church shared their possessions
https://www.theminimalists.com/ (Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus)
https://www.becomingminimalist.com/ Joshua Becker
https://www.ramseysolutions.com/ (Dave Ramsey)
Documentary: The Minimalists: Less is Now (2021) (Netflix)
Facebook group: Minimalist Homeschooling
Recommended Facebook page to follow: Becoming Minimalist (Joshua Becker)
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Happy Reformation Day! On this day 506 years ago, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses onto the Castle Church door in Wittenberg. His intention was to challenge the Roman Catholic church to debate their practice of selling indulgences as a form of penance. This simple act started the Lutheran Reformation and brought much needed attention to the true gospel.
To celebrate such a monumental day for Lutherans, we are chatting with Kim Pfeiffer. She will be talking about what it means to be Lutheran and the importance of our Lutheran Confessions.
Kim is married to Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer, and together they have 4 children. Originally from Adelaide, they are currently living in St Louis Missouri, where Pastor Joshua is studying his PhD and where Kim is now also studying a Masters of Arts in Theology.
Book of Concord (Lutheran Confessions) - To purchase
Book of Concord - Read free online
Treasury of Daily Prayer
English Translation of the Martin Luther’s 95 Theses
Lexy may be the host of a Lutheran podcast, but she hasn’t always been Lutheran.
Before coming into the Lutheran church, she spent years in the Word of Faith/NAR movement. Her daily spiritual life included forms of gnosticism, mysticism, and “soft” occultism, which eventually resulted in spiritual oppression and confusion. In today’s episode we hear how Jesus Christ pulled her out of this darkness, gave her a love of Scripture, and brought her into the Lutheran church.
That “guy on YouTube” who makes bingo games out of false prophecies:
Chris Rosebrough - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQJ09KmcApQ
YouTube Channels about Word of Faith/NAR/New Age:
Chris Rosebrough - https://www.youtube.com/@Fighting4theFaith
Steven Kozar - https://www.youtube.com/@StevenKozarMessedUpChurch
Justin Peters - https://www.youtube.com/@JustinPetersMin
Melissa Doughtery - https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDougherty
Doreen Virtue - https://www.youtube.com/@Doreen_Virtue
Steven Bancarz - https://www.youtube.com/@StevenBancarz
Jesse Westwood - https://www.youtube.com/@thewestwoodhome
Lutheran Channels:
Bryan Wolfmueller - https://www.youtube.com/@PastorBryanWolfmueller
Jordan Cooper - https://www.youtube.com/@DrJordanBCooper
Joshua Pfeiffer - https://www.youtube.com/@JoshuaPfeiffer
John Kleinig - https://www.youtube.com/@johnkleinig2602
Dramatised Audio Bible on YouTube:
Find us on:
Facebook: - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091391019981
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/hereshestandspodcast/
Podcast Host - https://hereshestandspodcast.alitu.com/1?order=newest
Website - https://hereshestands.online/
Recorded on 25th August, 2023
In today's episode, I (Lexy) sit down and chat with Ruby, the *14-year-old daughter of a Lutheran minister. Ruby talks about being a special needs sister, her recent move to Tasmania, the challenges of being a pastor's kid, and the beauty of hymns (#memorisehymns).
*This episode was recorded at the end of July 2023. Since recording, Ruby has turned 15 and has a beautiful new baby brother.
“Ruby” - Artwork by Daisy
Martin Luther Yells About Inferior Anglican Christmas Hymns - Lutheran Satire
The Christ Key - Chad Bird
In today’s episode we chat with emergency nurse and foster mum, Hannah, from Adelaide. Hannah talks about her experience as a foster parent, the challenges of navigating foster parenting, and how God called her and her husband to open their home to care for the little ones.
Show Notes:
Lutheran Care Website - Information on Foster Care
Part of Hannah’s interview has also been featured in Lutherans for Life’s bi-annual newsletter, Life News. You can read it here: https://www.lutheransforlife.lca.org.au/public-resources/life-news/
Find Here She Stands:
Facebook: - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091391019981
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/hereshestandspodcast/
Podcast - https://hereshestandspodcast.alitu.com/1?order=newest
Website - https://hereshestands.online/
Email - [email protected]
Tatiana is a school teacher from Adelaide who has a passion for writing, music, and theology. In this episode she will be sharing her testimony and talking about how our identity as Lutherans is found in the identity of someone else; Jesus Christ.
Find Here She Stands:
Facebook: - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091391019981
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/hereshestandspodcast/
Podcast - https://hereshestandspodcast.alitu.com/1?order=newest
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@HereSheStandsPodcast
Website - https://hereshestands.online/
Sarah Joy lives in Burrumbuttock, New South Wales and is married to Christian, a Lutheran minister and medical GP. Together they have 7 children, whom they homeschool. To add to the uniqueness of this family, many of their children are neurodivergent and have specific learning needs. Sarah Joy is passionate about classical education and shares how she uses it to bless and nurture her family.
Homeschool Resources
Simply Charlotte Mason Website
Institute for Excellence in Writing
Simply Charlotte Mason Bible Memory System
Teach Your Monster To Read
Twenty and Ten by Claire Huchet Bishop
The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom
Educating the Wholehearted Child by Clay Clarkson and Sally Clarkson
The Well Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home by Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer
Home Education Series in 6 Volumes by Charlotte Mason
Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God by Timothy Keller
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
Issues, Etc.
White Horse Inn
Barnabas Prayer Calendar
Common Sense Media
Plugged In
Dr Anita Collins
The Benefits of Music Education TED TALK video
Find Here She Stands:
Facebook: - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091391019981
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/hereshestandspodcast/
Podcast Host - https://hereshestandspodcast.alitu.com/1?order=newest
Website - https://hereshestands.online/
Come and join us as we talk with Melanie Wittwer from Creative Word Fellowship (aka CWF). CWF is a Lutheran teaching mission that works to help people understand their Bibles. Not only will MeIanie talk about the incredible work and future plans of CWF, but she will also discuss the importance of biblical literacy and why theology is not just for pastors and theologians.
Creative Word Fellowship
Website - https://cwfellowship.net/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/CWfellowship
2023 Speak Lord Conferences
There will be two conferences held this year in Hamilton (VIC) and Adelaide (SA). The guest speaker this year will be Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller from St Paul Lutheran Church and Jesus Deaf Lutheran Church in Austin, Texas (USA).
Register for a conference here - https://cwfellowship.net/speak-lord-2023-hope-found-in-jesus-christ-and-him-crucified/
Bryan Wolfmueller’s website - https://wolfmueller.co/
Find us on:
In today's episode, Sonja takes a break from hosting and sits in the guest's chair to share her story. She talks about growing up on the mission field, becoming Lutheran, and how she learnt to embrace her vocation as a pastor's wife.
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Join us as we chat to Kathleen Mills and her role as deaconness in a Lutheran Church here in Australia! What is a deaconness? How does this role fit into the church? How does it fit into life as a wife and mum? Join us as we dive into the world of mercy care.
Here is the interview with Pastor Josh Pfeiffer:
And the True Deaconess Spirit for you to download:
In today's episode we chat with Meg Pearce from Adelaide, South Australia. Meg is a Lutheran pastor's wife, as well as a church musician and singer. Please join us as she shares her story, talks about her music, and dives into the topic of caring for dying loved ones.
Father of the Eternal Son - https://youtu.be/AcDB9DPphas
Words by Rev Dr Stephen Pietsch and music by Meg Pearce
Performed by Joshua Krieg and Meg Pearce
Today's interview is with Claire Kleinig. Claire is the wife of Lutheran scholar, author, and theologian, Dr. John Kleinig. Dr. Kleinig's work has influenced many across the world and today we get the privilege of hearing Claire's side of the story.
Dr. John Kleinig - https://www.johnkleinig.com/
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
God’s Word for Today by Ole Hallesby
Let God Be God! An Interpretation of the Theology of Martin Luther by Philip Watson
Abide in Christ by Andrew Murray
Concordia Commentary Series by Concordia Publishing House https://www.cph.org/
Join us as we chat to Georgie Grieger an artist who shares a bit of her story, chats to us about art and beauty in the church and Lutheran art in general.
Georgies art instagram is @georgieartvitae
She runs an international website for Lutheran artists: https://lutheranartsinternational.wordpress.com/database/
And there's a Facebook group: Lutheran & Religious Art
Books Georgie recommends that were mentioned:
State of the Art by Gene Veith
In Defense of the True, The Good & The Beautiful by Jordan Cooper
Beauty & Catechesis by Gaven Mize
The essay she mentioned credit:
Sacred Space & Contemporary Art by Grete Refsum
Hello and welcome to the pre-launch episode of Here She Stands, a brand new podcast for Australian Lutheran women!
Welcome to Here She Stands, the podcast where Lutheran women from across Australia come together as a community, sharing stories and testifying to God’s goodness. We do this so that when the tribulations of this world try to push us down, each woman can hold firm to the Word of God and confidently say, “Here I stand, I can do no other.”
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.