Hey Shayla – Judgement Free Motherhood 😅😭😍
Hey Shayla Podcast | EP 006
GENIUS pumping tips from an exclusive pumper
With Abby Rose Green (@abbyrosegreen)
Thank you for listening to the Hey Shayla podcast! Here we're the parents that learn new things and decide what works for us and our family. We're the moms that support instead of judge and know there are many ways to do something right. I'd love to connect more on Instagram @heyshayla
Many moms add pumping into the equation of ways to breastfeed our babies. And like so many things in motherhood we’re not taught the tips and tricks, we’re left to figure it out ourselves!
I’m interviewing Abby Green (@abbyrosegreen) who traveled a pumped with her first and exclusively pumped with her 3rd for ALLLL the tips to make it as easy as possible.
Abby, the co-host of multiple podcasts (@herselfpodcast and their newest @pursuingherpurpose podcast) she is also very well researched and very experienced pumping. She shares her best tips on products to make the experience hands-free (bras and fanny packs to hold your machine), how to travel while pumping, tips for making pumping at work easier, a quick fix to get more milk and so much more about pumping!
Resources shared: @kellymomdotcom for pumping and @juliasway16 for low muscle tone or Down syndrome babies 🙌
Xo Shay
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*My Little Eaters: use code HeyShayla for 15% off
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*Expecting and Empowered: Pregnancy and Postpartum workouts
*Iksplor: Wool base layer
*hypnobabies: hypnosis for labor and delivery
*LoveBug Probiotics: Pre and postnatal probiotics
*TushBaby: Great “Up-Down” Baby carrier
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**Disclaimer: Please note that some of the links here are affiliate links. Which means at no...