Hey Shayla – Judgement Free Motherhood 😅😭😍
Potty training a newborn (or toddler if you missed the boat)
Hey Shayla Podcast | Ep: 023
Guest: @godiaperfree founder Andrea
Thank you for listening to the Hey Shayla podcast! Here, we love to learn new things and decide what works for us and our family.. We're the moms that support instead of judge and know there are many ways to do something right. I'd love to connect on Instagram @heyshayla
Have you ever considered what people did before diapers? Or in other countries where diapers are not as accessible? Welcome to Elimination Communication. I luckily heard about it during my pregnancy and we started with Aliya when she was just 6 months old! We were super relaxed about it, were stoked when we caught a pee or poop (especially poop considering we use cloth diapers) but didn’t sweat it too much when we missed one.
I am lucky enough to have Andrea, the founder of Go Diaper Free on the podcast, to tell us ALL about EC. She even challenged me asking why my 19 month old was still in diapers!! I hope you enjoy and learn something new!
Xo Shay
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Brands I am an affiliate with + Discount codes:
*TushBaby: Great “Up-Down” Baby carrier use code HEYSHAYLA for 15% off
*Iksplor: Wool base layer HEYSHAYLA for 20% off
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Website (www.heyshayla.com)
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Disclaimer: Please note that some of the links here are affiliate links. Which means at no cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase after clicking through the link. I only work with companies that I love, and that I think you will love.
Join the email list to be notified when episodes go live HERE!
Companies I work with and am an affiliate for:
All discount codes are HEYSHAYLA unless specified
Go to heyshayla.com/codes if a code isn't working
*Expecting and Empowered: Pregnancy and Postpartum workouts
*Iksplor: Wool base layer
*hypnobabies: hypnosis for labor and delivery
*LoveBug Probiotics: Pre and postnatal probiotics
*TushBaby: Great “Up-Down” Baby carrier
Let's Connect I'm Hey Shayla on all platforms!
**Disclaimer: Please note that some of the links here are affiliate links. Which means at no...