Hey Shayla – Judgement Free Motherhood 😅😭😍
031 - Encapsulating your placenta: What you need to know with a doula and birth educator
Hey Shayla Podcast | Ep: 031
Guest: Doula Chanel @awerkingmama
Thank you for listening to the Hey Shayla podcast! Here, we love to learn new things and decide what works for us and our family.. We're the moms that support instead of judge and know there are many ways to do something right. I'd love to connect on Instagram @heyshayla
Many of us never even consider consuming our placenta because… ew, myself included! But after experiencing a wild ride postpartum I had a few people recommend it to me and honestly thought well if it will help me I’m willing to give it a try.
Because there is not a ton of research on it, you really have to make the decision for yourself. But from most of the women I’ve spoken to who have done it, they say it’s been incredibly helpful.
Chanel, (@awerkingmama), is a doula and birth educator and she chatted with me about the potential benefits of consuming your placenta including helping to balance hormones, potential increase in milk supply, and helping with postpartum bleeding! I learned about the different ways to encapsulate and the logistics of what to do with the placenta once it’s out!
Xo Shay
Resources mentioned in the podcast:
Connect with Chanel: https://awerkingmama.com/
Placenta documentary:
Placenta Encapsulation in California: https://mommymadeencapsulation.com/
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*Kindred Bravely: Maternity Sports Bra use code HEYSHAYLA for 20% off
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