Hey Shayla – Judgement Free Motherhood 😅😭😍
065 - Does your child constantly have ear infections? Introduction to Homeopathy with guest Sue Meyer ND, CCH, CST, spBAP
Hey Shayla Podcast | Ep: 065
You can find more information about Sue here:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/homeopathyformommies
Website: https://homeopathyformommies.com/
Podcast: https://ultimateradioshow.com/homeopathyformommies/
Member's Corner: https://members.homeopathyformommies.com/
I wanted to interview Dr Sue Meyer to learn more about natural remedies for ear infections but what I got WAS SO MUCH MORE!!! If I'm honest I knew NOTHING about homeopathy, and after this podcast I'm still equally parts confused and SO INTERESTED! Sue has so many great personal testimonies + testimonies of people she's worked with it was really fun to learn from her!
This was 1000% my gateway into the world of homeopathy and I'm so excited.
I got her book Homeopathy for Mommies: https://theoutpostmercantile.com/Guide-Books-c12133276 and it's been really interesteding SLOWLY learning!
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*hypnobabies: hypnosis for labor and delivery
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*TushBaby: Great “Up-Down” Baby carrier
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