High Intensity Health with Mike Mutzel, MS
A 22-year follow-up study involving 177,000 individuals reveals that low LDL cholesterol is associated with higher cardiovascular-specific mortality.
The authors of this study write, "...the lowest risk for long-term mortality appears to exist in the wide LDL-C range of 100–189 mg/dL, which is much higher than current recommendations."
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Links to Research & Video: https://bit.ly/4asJ4t3
Key Takeaways:
0:00 Intro 0:04 22 Year Study 0:22 Study Title 0:52 Study Findings 1:52 Probability of survival 2:12 Counterintuitive Findings 3:42 High LDL and odds of death 3:59 U-Shaped Curve 5:50 Metabolic Health 6:34 Study of 177,000 people 8:09 Lowest risk of mortality 9:17 Watch this! 11:01 Lipid paradox