High Intensity Health with Mike Mutzel, MS
Let's discuss ways to keep belly fat off as you get age and why protein paired with exercise is so critical when you diet to lose weight.
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Show Notes:
00:00 Intro 2:49 There is a cycle with aging of reduction of muscle mass and increase of fat mass. 3:30 Hormonal changes of aging change body composition, leading to the acceleration of muscle loss. 5:00 Diets should be paired with resistance and aerobic training. 6:00 Changes in muscle precedes fat gains. 7:30 Focus on muscle and protein intake. 9:55 Adipocyte number is set during adolescence. 10:10 Health at any size is a fallacy. 10:51 Fat cells become hypertrophied and become necrotic and die. 11:30 Excessive amounts of energy cause fat cells to become inflamed. 12:05 Overfilled fat cells spill lipids, and greatly affect your liver. 12:45 Dead fat cells cause metabolic immune debris. 14:00 Immune cells infiltrate your fat, creating inflammation. 14:45 Exercise helps prevent fat cell inflammation. 15:30 Belly fat is not benign. 15:50 Obesity causes changes in muscle tissue. 17:30 Walking builds capillary and mitochondrial density in muscles. 19:00 Leg training provides greater anabolic responses. 20:00 Age-related loss of muscle strength is 3x faster than loss of muscle mass. 21:30 Compound movements move 2 or more joints at the same time. 22:40 Combination of diet and exercise may be the most effective intervention.