High on Home Grown, The Cannabis Podcast
In this weeks grow guides we talk about all of the interview we have done over the last couple of years, and we recommend which ones we think you should check out! It is really easy to find all of our interviews, you just have to head over to our website and click the interview tab,. You can also find them all by clicking this link:
Let us know in the comments what your favourite HOHG interviews are and why! It would be great to hear from you,
If you have any questions you'd like us to cover on next week's show, please feel free to reach out via your favorite social network, our Discord server, or, of course, on Percy's Grow Room. Visit our website for links.
Website: https://highonhomegrown.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/sqYGkF4xyQ
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/highonhomegrown
Thank you for downloading and listening to our cannabis podcast! I hope you have enjoyed this episode.