High on Home Grown, The Cannabis Podcast
In this weeks cannabis news we discuss Astronauts Celebrate Growing Peppers for the First Time. A study shows cannabis plants may absorb carcinogenic heavy metals. An Isle of Wight man produces cannabis Cancard in court, will this make precedent in the UK? The UK is Missing Out on £1.2 Billion Cannabis Market, and this is only for medical! A Mississippi Governor Suggests He’ll Veto Medical Marijuana Bill out of Reefer Madness mentality. There is Bad news for Greens and PBP in Ireland but some good news too with a Belfast mayor Kate Nicholl in legalise cannabis call.
We also talk about High Time Magazines 2021 Roundup of Cannabis Reform in Europe (and 2022 Predictions) and how Support for legalising marijuana in Australia has nearly doubled over six years.
You can find links to all of these articles over at our website:
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