High on Home Grown, The Cannabis Podcast
In this weeks news we cover the following stories: Legal cannabis by post: inside the farm behind a British first | Cannabis grower told to pay back left assets | Feds propose raft of changes to cannabis rules | People in Germany allowed to smoke cannabis before driving | DeSantis Vetos Hemp Ban Bill Amid Anti-Marijuana Legalization Push, Fueling Speculation Over Double Standards In Opposition Campaign | Cherokee vote passes: NC's first recreational marijuana market likely in '60-75 days | UK Cannabis Industry Council Publishes Cannabis ‘Manifesto’ for Change | Cannabis dealer labelled an 'idiot'. But he wasn't the only subject of judge's anger |
Come and join in the discussion about any of these news articles on our cannabis growing forum, Discord server, or any of your favourite social networks. Visit our website for links.
Website: https://highonhomegrown.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/sqYGkF4xyQ
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/highonhomegrown
Thank you for downloading and listening to our cannabis podcast! I hope you enjoy this episode.