High on Home Grown, The Cannabis Podcast
Chad Westport returns to High on Home Grown for a session! Just me and Chad for this one, we sit and discuss podcast, youtubing, cannabis creation and much more. It is a nice laid back conversation with a good friend of the show. Roll up a few fat ones for this interview and join us for the session! If this is the first time you are hearing from Chad, then go check out more of his content on youtube. Just search for "Chad Westport" to find his channel or visit his website, chadwesptort.com
If you have any suggestions for guest to be on our cannabis podcast then please feel free to contact us on our website, Discord server, or any of your favourite social networks. Visit our website for links.
Website: https://highonhomegrown.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/sqYGkF4xyQ
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/highonhomegrown
Thank you for downloading and listening to our cannabis podcast!