High on Home Grown, The Cannabis Podcast
Graham Hancock joins us for a very special interview! It has been a long time trying to organise this interview. I am a massive fan of Graham and his work and it was awesome to finally be able to get him on the show to talk about his new documentary. We also talk about legalisation of drugs, his trips on ayahuasca, his research into ancient civilisations and so much more.
The interview is just an hour long but we spoke about so much. I hope we can get Graham back on the show soon so we can talk about more!
If you have any suggestions for guest to be on our cannabis podcast then please feel free to contact us on our website, Discord server, or any of your favourite social networks. Visit our website for links.
Website: https://highonhomegrown.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/sqYGkF4xyQ
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/highonhomegrown
Thank you for downloading and listening to our cannabis podcast! I hope you have enjoyed this episode.