High on Home Grown, The Cannabis Podcast
We have covered just about everything you need to know about growing your own cannabis in the grow guides episodes so far. In the next few episodes of our cannabis podcast we will be going into more detail for different stages and methods of growing your own cannabis. But before we move onto those grow guides, we thought it would be a good idea to answer some listener questions to make sure everyone was ready to move onto the next stage of growing.
We answer questions about outdoor growing, bud washing, water curing cannabis, and some questions about the panel members grows too. We also have special guest Steve Rasiner in for this episode.
If you need any help then please feel free to contact us on our website, Discord server, or any of your favourite social networks. Visit our website for links.
Website: https://highonhomegrown.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/sqYGkF4xyQ
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/highonhomegrown
Thank you for downloading and listening to our cannabis podcast! I hope you have enjoyed this episode.