We got cosmic in this episode, diving deep into extraterrestrial contact, star families, galactic beings and all things cosmic. If you feel like you come from a star system far far away and are longing for a place called home (which isn’t on this planet), this episode is for you!
Connect with Elizabeth April @elizabethapril
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Discover Your Dharma in 21 Days with my new course, the 21 Day Dharma Discovery Journey : iamsahararose.com/dharmadiscovery
Snag my new book Discover Your Dharma: A Vedic Guide to Finding Your Purpose and receive exclusive free bonuses, meditations, tapping + my Dharma Embodiment Practice: www.iamsahararose.com/dharma
Take my Dharma Archetype Quiz at www.dharmaarchetypequiz.com
Join Rose Gold Goddesses, the sacred sisterhood collective all about embodying the Goddess within at www.RoseGoldGoddesses.com
Intro + Outro Music: Silent Ganges by Maneesh de Moor
Connect with me for daily Ayurvedic and modern spiritual wisdom at: Instagram.com/iamsahararose Facebook.com/iamsahararose Twitter.com/iamsahararose
Order My Books Eat Feel Fresh + Idiot's Guide to Ayurveda: www.iamsahararose.com/books
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