Happy 2023, everybody. I hope everyone's 2022 was a good one. It's hard to believe we're really getting into this new decade often portrayed as "the future" in old-school sci-fi/cyberpunk stories, isn't it?
Anyway, I wanted to close out 2022/open up 2023 with something a little different; as you know I'm essentially turning my written Substack posts into audio versions for the supporters of History Impossible so you can all get some good exclusive content and this one is no exception. However, this essay I wrote about stakeholder capitalism and the economics of National Socialist Germany struck a different chord for me; uncharacteristically, it became more of a pure polemic that used history as a bedrock, rather than history that contains some elements of polemics. In the end, it turned into something more akin to (though by no means on the qualitative level of) Dan Carlin's beloved political show, Common Sense (something so many of us wish he would bring back but understand all too well why he probably won't).
Since this essay ultimately contained what could best be called a "call to action" toward the end, I wanted to put it out there for everyone to hear, especially since this is a new year and all. Everyone who supports the show still gets the ad-free version and my undying thanks for your generosity. All I ask of everyone else is that you spread the word about History Impossible and help keep this show going.
Many thanks and I sincerely hope you all have a blessed 2023.
History Impossible has been made possible by the following generous supporters on Patreon and PayPal. Please consider donating today to help keep me free and this show alive.
David Adamcik
Alireza Atarian
Elias Borota
Charles C
Richard Davey
Nathan Diehl
Gavin Edwards
Kevin Gony
Nathan Grote
Al Hall
Benjamin Hamilton
Peter Hauck
Joseph Hurst
Thomas Justesen
Mike Kalnins
Bryn Kaufman
Benjamin Lee
Trevor Lindborg
Mounty of Madness
Jose Martinez
Mike Mayleben
Judy McCoid
Kostas Moros
Ryan Mortenson
Ben Mullen
Skip Pacheco
Molly Pan
Jeff Parrent
Jean Peters
Brian Pritzl
PJ Rader
Gleb Radutsky
Aleksandr Rakitin
Edward Ray
Jon Andre Saether
Alison Salo
Jake Scalia
Emily Schmidt
Julian Schmidt
Cameron Smith
Thomas Squeo
Brian Steggeman
Pier-Luc St-Pierre
Philipp Surkov
Jared Cole Temple
Steve UhlerJonny Wilkie
Ricky Worthey
F. You