For the very first episode of America: Secret Wars, Trevor is joined by Asha (@HerboAnarchist) of the “Swords, Sorcery, and Socialism” podcast to explain Secret Wars and discuss the first ever war fought by the United States’ armed forces after gaining independence: a border dispute between Georgia and the Muskogee (Creek) Confederacy from 1785-1790.
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Scurry – The Oconee War Parts 1-3
Smith – History of the Georgia Militia, 1783-1861
Chappell – Georgia History Stories
Coulter – Elijah Clarke’s Foreign Intrigues and the “Trans-Oconee Republic”
Haynes – Patrolling the Border: Theft and Violence on the Creek-Georgia Frontier, 1770-1796
Kokomoor – Let Us Try to Make Each Other Happy, and Not Wretched”: the Creek-Georgian Frontier
Kokomoor – Creeks, Federalists, and the Idea of Coexistence in the Early Republic
Scurry – A Considerable Tract of Country