Thanks for checking out Episode 10! This week we celebrate big for Grimace's birthday by starting our PATREON! that's right scumbags - we finally did it! Different tiers to choose from and some different content to each level, check it out: Hive Scum Patreon and help us get our studio so you can come sleep on the couch!
This week we break down Phil's epic narrative Age of Sigmar campaign that he has whipped up for us. He breaks down our questions and we hear a little bit about the custom scenerios some of us have already played! Listen to Steve wax nostalgic about getting crushed by someones custom-ruled Skaven abomination, hear Terry complain about Hasbro ruining Magic: the Gathering with promotional tie-ins, and how Gage thinks Diablo 4 is the greatest video game of all time. We open a package from the wonderful Rat Boy Rory (@rat_boy_minis), and you better listen closely for a chance to win one of our new HS t-shirts thanks to Adam (@ashenchampion)!
We'll see ya in the drive-thru, (Bash the Planet!)
Join the In Rust We Trust discord here: IRWT Discord
Buy all of the Under the Dice Merch including the amazing mechs sculpted by Ana Polanšćak (@gardensofhecate) here: Under the Dice
We are on IG:
Gage: @noclearcoat
Steve: @sovthofheaven
Terry: @stone.jaw
Phil: @bloodtrancefusion
Also we have to pay the Evan tax, so go follow Evan (@itswhatevan)