Thanks for joining us for Episode 26. We're on the back-end of NEMO and boy, what a wild ride. Paulie Mordheim (@wyrdstoned) is back in the saddle again as we bring you a bit of a twofer-doofer. We start the episode with a look back at the event, how we feel it went, and what we can do about next year. The second half of the episode puts you right in the action, coming live from NEMO 2024. Joining us are some old pals like Cole (@colecifer_xxviii) and Matt (@totally_not_panicking) and some new friends who travelled a long way to be with us like Sam (@cupboard_of_shame), Dave (@shootypunchy), and Brandon (@banway99) among many others. You'll hear about the return of Sprite Kid, how Paul of Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean feels about zenithal highlights, and of course it wouldn't be grimdark if our arch nemeses the Wiers didn't show up on the mic as well!
Big shout out to all those Scumbags that decided to join our Patreon, you are the reason we can keep on keeping on - thank you!
Gather your Wyrdstone, and Bash the Planet!
We have sick new merch! Hive Scum Big Cartel
Check out Knuckbones Miniatures' (@knucklebones_miniatures) Hive Scum and Ratmen models and print out and paint up your favorite: Knucklebones Patreon
Join the In Rust We Trust discord here: IRWT Discord
If you'd like to support us further, take a look at our Patreon! We'd love to have you: Hive Scum Patreon
Buy all of the Under the Dice Merch here: Under the Dice
We are on IG:
Gage: @noclearcoat
Steve: @sovthofheaven
Paul: @wyrdstoned
Phil: @bloodtrancefusion