Welcome back to the show, on this episode we have a submission involving a relative being able to channel the dead. Even able to change voices and languages while doing so. Then we dive into the mysterious case of Erin Valenti. A very accomplished woman who was loved and looked up to by many. After a seminar in California Erin goes out to dinner with a friend. Shortly after this dinner things start to take a bizarre turn. She can’t find her car where it was parked, yet she later finds it and it’s out of gas. Erin starts to explain to family members how we are living in a simulation and this is all a thought experiment. Shortly after no one can get ahold of Erin anymore. Her body was later found in the back seat of her car. The autopsy revealed nothing and she reportedly died of natural causes due to a manic attack. But you can’t discard all the strange happenings all around her going missing for five days and where she was found. We hope you enjoy the episode as always stay stay and stay weird.
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