Welcome back to the show everyone, on this episode we have a submission about an untimely passing. But the person who passed makes contact and lets them know he’s right where he’s supposed to be and is alright. Losing someone is never an easy thing, but it helps with acceptance when you receive some sort of sign that everything is ok. Then we dive into some items that are said to have powers or supernatural capabilities. A stone that is depicted throughout time, nations, and religions. But its said to grant wishes. A cup that’s said to be the holy grail and how it has the ability to heal if you drink from it. Then a blanket that when you say the right words it’ll spawn a meal for the person. Just all types of items that have these mystical properties. We hope you enjoy the show and as always stay safe and stay weird.
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1 (618) 556-0837
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Holosky Podcast
P.O. Box 145
Fieldon, IL
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