69 avsnitt • Längd: 10 min • Veckovis: Fredag
You’ve tried everything to get a clean and organized home, but nothing seems to work for you and you really feel like you’re failing at this whole mom and wife thing because of it!
You’ve downloaded all the cleaning checklists, you’ve bought cute organizing bins and organizing baskets, you’ve spent so much time getting your home organized. But nothing has helped simplify your life or create the peaceful home you desire.
Busy mom, I’m here to tell you that this is NOT your fault.
The problem is that cookie cutter home organizing, cleaning and time management solutions don’t take you, your family or your current season of life into consideration. Not even a professional organizer coming into your home can do that!
Hi! I’m Tammy. I’m a busy wife and mom with a household to manage and business to run along with coaching volleyball and being on staff at my church.
For most of my kids infant to tween years I experienced debilitating self doubt in how I managed all the things at home and work because of the perfection our society seems to expect of us as moms.
After recognizing that my home wasn’t the peaceful home I wanted it to be because I was pursuing perfection, I began to research and make changes. I learned that the true solution was to put myself, my family and my current season of life at the core of how I managed my home. We shifted our home organizing, cleaning and time management systems to reflect what would work best for us.
I’m here to share with you how you can make this shift too.
Welcome to the Home Organizing for Beginners podcast.
In this podcast you’ll get tangible and simple instructions about home organizing, cleaning and time management. Instructions that keep you, your family and your current season of life at the core.
Let’s shift the chaos into calm by working together.
Online course: Home Organizing for Beginners
1:1 coaching email me [email protected]
The podcast Home Organizing for Beginners: Organizing, cleaning and time management strategies is created by Tammy Schmidt- Home Organizing Educator. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Home organizing is hard when we aren't clear on what an organized home really means. As a busy mom, you don't have time to waste chasing down unrealistic expectations and you definitely don't have time to organize the same space over and over again!
Listen in as I share the best definition of home organizing and the 3 critical and foundational steps to get an organized home.
FREE online course ($197 value) when you subscribe with an annual or premier subscription. Deadline to take advantage of this offer is 11:59pm CST March 23, 2025.
I truly appreciate you listening. I pray that what I am sharing hits home for you and that you're life will be better for it. If it is, would you consider leaving a 5 star review so that my words may help other busy moms too?
Thank you!
Have you ever downloaded a spring cleaning checklist and wondered if it would really even work for you?
In this episode you'll look at spring cleaning checklists in a different way and find a better solution that will help you plan and execute spring cleaning in a way that works for you.
When we make an effort to deep clean some areas of our home, we are caring for our home. It’s just a bit of what God has given us to take care of and we want to do that well. Spring cleaning sounds overwhelming, but it does not have to be an all or nothing thing.
Subscribe today to join the community and the spring cleaning challenge https://homeorganizingforbeginners.substack.com
How many times have you gotten organized only to have to do it all over again?
In this episode I’m sharing with you what is missing from your organizing strategy that’s actually preventing you from staying organized.
Link to the full newsletter: https://homeorganizingforbeginners.substack.com/p/a-letter-to-your-heart-from-mine
Subscribe today to join the community. https://homeorganizingforbeginners.substack.com
Need help specific to your home organizing journey?
Email me: [email protected]
Are you so tired of dealing with a mess every morning when you’re trying to fix your hair and makeup? You lose time because you can't find what you need?
In today’s episode I’ll share 3 bathroom cleaning tips that will KEEP your bathroom vanity and cabinet CLEAN and save you time.
Learn more about the Spring Cleaning Challenge now!
Need help specific to your home organizing journey?
Email me: [email protected]
What if implementing a simple change could save you 15 minutes or more each day AND simplify your life? In this episode I tell you the exact step by step of what to do so that you can make more time in your day and lessen the stress.
Small incremental changes are sustainable over time. They reduce stress and contribute to the peaceful and relaxing home you desire. Share this podcast with a friend that could use simple instructions about home organizing, cleaning and time management.
Join the Home Organizing for Beginners Network where the home organizing conversations (and so much more) are just beginning!
Download your free home organizing checklist at www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Ready to get your entire home organized and go it on your own? Purchase the online course Home Organizing for Beginners.
Need help specific to your home organizing journey? Email me: [email protected] so we can discuss how best I can help!
Are you trying to figure out the best morning routine, but finding that organizing bathroom vanity and cabinets is causing you stress and frustration?
What if you could reduce stress and simplify your morning routine by organizing your bathroom vanity and cabinets in a different way than what you’ve tried before?
It is possible and in today’s episode I’ll give you 3 unexpected ideas that will help you get your bathroom vanity and cabinets more organized resulting in a better start to your day!
Download your free home organizing checklist at www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Join the Home Organizing for Beginners Network where the home organizing conversations (and so much more) are just beginning!
Ready to get your entire home organized and go it on your own? Purchase the online course Home Organizing for Beginners.
Need help specific to your home organizing journey? Email me: [email protected] so we can discuss how best I can help!
Is it impossible to find what you need in your kitchen pantry at meal time?
Cooking can be easier with an organized pantry, but organizing it sounds overwhelming, right? That’s because we’ve been told that in order to do it right you have to pull every single thing out of your kitchen pantry as your starting point. It doesn’t have to be this way!
You don’t have to carve out an entire day in your schedule just to get your pantry organized. In this episode I share 4 steps that will reduce stress and make cooking easier with an organized kitchen pantry.
Download your free home organizing checklist at www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Need help specific to your home organizing journey?
Email me: [email protected]
Are you ready to do whatever it takes so that your home is peaceful and relaxing instead of messy and chaotic? In this episode you learn what to include in your weekly planning so that you can be more productive and save time each week.
Free home organizing checklist: www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Join me in the course Home Organizing for Beginners to have a guide through your home organizing journey and individualized support.
Need help specific to your home organizing journey?
Email me: [email protected]
Is getting ready for the day a nightmare because your closet is overflowing? In this episode I share the best way to organize your closet and 5 closet organizing tips that will simplify your life and make getting ready for the day a breeze.
Download your free home organizing checklist at www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Join me in the course Home Organizing for Beginners to have a guide through your home organizing journey and individualized support.
Need help specific to your home organizing journey?
Email me: [email protected]
Are your kitchen cabinets a mess? Are there plastic containers spilling out and mis-matched lids filling a drawer? Maybe you’ve got too many coffee cups that you’re now storing them on the countertop instead of where they belong.
You want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of starting with emptying every single kitchen cabinet, you can follow these 3 steps to organize your kitchen cabinets. All in a way that works for you, your family and your current season of life.
Download your free home organizing checklist at www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Need help specific to your home organizing journey?
Email me: [email protected]
What is a utility room?
You want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of leaving the utility room unused or where things just get dumped, you can use it as extra storage space. In this episode I’ll share with you how to organize your utility room by creating an intentional storage plan.
Download your free home organizing checklist at www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Need help specific to your home organizing journey?
Email me: [email protected]
A place for everything and everything in its place would be ideal, right?
You want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of letting the new things clutter your spaces, you can follow a simple process to find the best home for each item. In this episode you’ll learn how to find a place for every new gift your family received or new items you buy.
Download your free home organizing checklist at www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Cleaning up after Christmas can be easier than you’ve had in the past and easier than you think.
The holiday season is over, we’re embarking on the new year. It’s time to get everything cleaned up and prepared for a fresh start, right?
You are not to do this on your own. You are the manager of your household and you are going to ask for help and you are going to delegate!
In this episode you’ll learn just how to get your family helping to get everything cleaned up.
Download your free home organizing checklist at www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Have you enjoyed the holiday season so far? Not quite what you want?
Instead of going with the flow next year, you can reflect on how the holiday season has gone so far and decide now how you want things to be next year. In this episode you learn why it’s OK to make a change and how to plan for a better holiday next year.
May your Christmas be filled with peace and joy!
Free home organizing checklist: www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Did you know that you can stop feeling overwhelmed? You don’t need to stay stuck in a rut.
Do you hate the holiday season because it piles on so much more stuff to do? And it all just makes you feel even more overwhelmed than normal daily life can be?
If I could go back in time and do something different I would!
In this episode you’ll learn what that something different is and how to implement it.
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Free Home Organizing Checklist
Home Organizing for Beginners - Online Course
Organize your home with this organizing checklist. In this episode I give you an overview of the 8 items on the checklist. You can access the checklist for free at
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Holiday stress! It’s hard to know how not to be overwhelmed in normal daily life, but when you throw in the holiday season it becomes even more challenging.
Listen in so that you can work through the steps needed to combat the overwhelm and move through this holiday season feeling peace and joy in your home and heart.
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Sign up today to take advantage of free 1:1 support through March 2025! www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Offer good through November 29, 2024. 11:59pm.
Not sure how to keep your home clean and you’re looking for the best cleaning tip? In this episode I share what the best cleaning tip is and exactly how you can take advantage of it. This is just in time, house cleaning for the holidays is upon us!
Black Friday offer:
Purchase the course Home Organizing for Beginners, and receive 1:1 support through March 2025. Offer ends November 29, 2024 at 11:59pm CST. Learn more at www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Do you have a messy entryway or mudroom? Listen to learn shoe storage ideas, foyer organization and so much more!
The most used place in your home is where everyone enters. The most used equals the hardest to keep organized and clean. You can take quick action today by thinking differently about this space and doing something that you haven’t tried before or worrying about what society tells us as moms!
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Home Organizing for Beginners - the course
Are you to the point where you just want someone to come into your home to get it clean and organized? I get it. Daily life so easily has us feeling like we’re running around like chickens with their heads cut off. What if you could learn how to clean and organize your home in a truly effective and lasting way? In the online course Home Organizing for Beginners that is exactly what I teach you. It’s so important when cleaning and organizing your home to consider how you and your family live life each day. It’s a must to set yourself up for success with a home that you can whip back into shape anytime life gets out of control.
Home Organizing for Beginners will give you:
Confidence in your ability to organize your own home. Allow your new found confidence to show your children that they can be organized too. (even though they’ll fight you on it!)
Fool proof steps to creating a clean and organized home that you will be proud to welcome others into even when they stop in unannounced.
Time to spend how you choose. For me the extra time has been spent with the Lord. This has helped me bring true peace and joy into my home.
To learn more go to https://www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com/ .
Feel like you’re drowning in piles of paper? Learning how to go paperless is not your starting point. Listen in to learn the best way to organize paperwork.
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
We are hit with so much today about how our homes should look, that as moms we have to do certain things in order to feel like we’re good moms. This feeling, that we don’t have our act together can be paralyzing. It was for me. In the course Home Organizing for Beginners you not only learn the foundational elements of home organizing, but you also learn that true peace and joy comes when you manage your home in a way that works for you, for your family and for your current season of life. When YOU are the front of how you organize your home, you’re able to create things that work in your home. Join me so that you can tune out what society tells us and tune into what your family needs!
Do you find yourself lacking motivation to clean your house and you need cleaning motivation? Listen to learn how to start cleaning your house and how you’ll be motivated to clean in the future!
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
We are hit with so much today about how our homes should look, that as moms we have to do certain things in order to feel like we’re good moms. This feeling, that we don’t have our act together can be paralyzing. It was for me. In the course Home Organizing for Beginners you not only learn the foundational elements of home organizing, but you also learn that true peace and joy comes when you manage your home in a way that works for you, for your family and for your current season of life. When YOU are the front of how you organize your home, you’re able to create things that work in your home. Join me so that you can tune out what society tells you and tune into what your family needs!
Have you planned out your schedule for next week yet? Join me so that you can learn how to plan your week. Don’t take a single step towards planning your week. It’ll really take several steps over time.
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
We are hit with so much today about how our homes should look, that as moms we have to do certain things in order to feel like we’re good moms. This feeling, that we don’t have our act together can be paralyzing. It was for me. In the course Home Organizing for Beginners you not only learn the foundational elements of home organizing, but you also learn that true peace and joy comes when you manage your home in a way that works for you, for your family and for your current season of life. When YOU are the front of how you organize your home, you’re able to create things that work in your home. Join me so that you can tune out what society tells us and tune into what your family needs!
Do you feel like your time is not your own, like it’s out of your control? There are 5 steps that you can implement to manage time better and ultimately make time for what matters to you.
We are hit with so much today about how our homes should look, that as moms we have to do certain things in order to feel like we’re good moms. This feeling, that we don’t have our act together can be paralyzing. It was for me. In the course Home Organizing for Beginners you not only learn the foundational elements of home organizing, but you also learn that true peace and joy comes when you manage your home in a way that works for you, for your family and for your current season of life. When YOU are at the front of how you organize your home, you’re able to create things that work in your home. Join me so that you can tune out what society tells us and tune into what your family needs!
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Searching for the best email organization system and just haven’t found it? Learn the steps to create an email organization strategy that works for you today and into the future so that you can keep your inbox organized.
We are all inundated with emails. Some we want to read others are spam or subscription based. No matter, you need a system that will work to ensure the information you need to see today and again in the future is easily found.
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Grab the course Home Organizing for Beginners today!
Learn The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization
8 strategies to get you off the hamster wheel of home organizing free mini-course.
How many emails do you have in your inbox right now? 100? 1,000? 10,000? More?
I have 4 different email accounts. None of them are at zero items in my inbox.
Listen in and learn how to clean up emails in a way that sets you up for lasting success.
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Grab the course Home Organizing for Beginners today!
Learn The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization
8 strategies to get you off the hamster wheel of home organizing free mini-course.
How do you feel about your home when you wake up or when you walk into your home? How do you want to feel? You can have a calm home. You can have a peaceful home. You can have a home that feels welcoming.
There are 3 things you must do to find true peace and joy in your home.
Be sure to listen through to the end. I'm wondering if this is what things are like in your home right now.
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Grab the course Home Organizing for Beginners today!
Learn The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization
8 strategies to get you off the hamster wheel of home organizing free mini-course.
Are you sick of getting organized over and over again? Does the work you do to be organized at home just never stick? Listen in to learn exactly what needs to happen so that you know how to stay organized.
Not organized yet, this is extremely valuable for you as well. I might even say that you’d have a leg up because you’ll know now what to do to stay organized before you even begin!
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Grab the course Home Organizing for Beginners today!
Learn The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization
8 strategies to get you off the hamster wheel of home organizing free mini-course.
Are you struggling to manage your time or do you seem to run out of time everyday before you do the things you want to do? Listen in to learn how to manage your time better, what the root cause is of your struggle with time management and what the first step is to making a significant change.
Grab your coffee, pen and paper and let’s dive in!
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Home Organizing for Beginners:
Click here to learn all you need to know about home organizing so that you can lay a solid foundation that your organizing journey will grow on through every season of life with support and community to help you keep your motivation and break through challenges and encourage you through every step.
Learn The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization
8 strategies to get you off the hamster wheel of home organizing. Grab up this free mini-course today.
Email: [email protected]
Present over Perfect book referenced in this episode.
In this episode I’m sharing how to create a meal plan that works for you and your family.
As a mom looking for a fresh start in her home organizing journey, you want to be set up for lasting home organizing, cleaning and time management solutions, right? That means you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Grab your coffee, pen and paper and let’s dive in!
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Home Organizing for Beginners:
CLICK HERE to learn all you need to know about home organizing so that you can lay a solid foundation that your organizing journey will grow on through every season of life with support and community to help you keep your motivation and break through challenges and encourage you through every step.
Learn The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization
8 strategies to get you off the hamster wheel of home organizing. Grab up this free mini-course today.
Email: [email protected]
In this episode I’m sharing how to organize your home by avoiding 5 common home organizing mistakes and what to do instead.
As a mom looking for a fresh start in her home organizing journey, you want to be set up for lasting home organizing, cleaning and time management solutions, right? That means you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Grab your coffee, pen and paper and let’s dive in!
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Home Organizing for Beginners: https://www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com/course
Learn all you need to know about home organizing so that you can lay a solid foundation that your organizing journey will grow on through every season of life with support and community to help you keep your motivation and break through challenges and encourage you through every step.
Learn The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization
8 strategies to get you off the hamster wheel of home organizing. Grab up this free mini-course today.
Website: www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Email: [email protected]
No daily cleaning schedule needed!
In this episode I share with you the 2 things to clean daily, why starting here works and how to get started.
As a mom looking for a fresh start in her home organizing journey, you want to be set up for lasting home organizing, cleaning and time management solutions, right? That means you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Grab your coffee, pen and paper and let’s dive in!
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Home Organizing for Beginners: https://www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com/course
Learn all you need to know about home organizing so that you can lay a solid foundation that your organizing journey will grow on through every season of life with support and community to help you keep your motivation and break through challenges and encourage you through every step.
Learn The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization
8 strategies to get you off the hamster wheel of home organizing. Grab up this free mini-course today.
Website: www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Email: [email protected]
Are you just feeling too overwhelmed because it seems like everywhere you look your house it’s a mess? We’re at the end of summer and I’ve certainly been feeling a bit stressed with the mess too.
In today’s episode I share my top 3 fast decluttering tips. You can do these 3 things and feel a sense of accomplishment and relief immediately!
As a mom looking for a fresh start in her home organizing journey, you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? That means you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Grab your coffee and listen in.
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Home Organizing for Beginners: https://www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com/course
Learn all you need to know about home organizing so that you can lay a solid foundation that your organizing journey will grow on through every season of life with support and community to help you keep your motivation and break through challenges and encourage you through every step.
Learn The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization
8 strategies to get you off the hamster wheel of home organizing. Grab up this free mini-course today.
Website: www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Email: [email protected]
Do you have a stressful morning already and thoughts of your back to school morning routine is making you cringe?
In today’s episode I share why you want a morning routine for kids and for yourself and how to create your own.
As a mom that’s fed up with the chaos of every morning, you want a fresh start and to be set up for lasting solutions, right? That means you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Get ready to take some notes so you can implement a new back to school morning routine.
Grab your coffee and let’s get to work.
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Home Organizing for Beginners: https://www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com/course
Learn all you need to know about home organizing so that you can lay a solid foundation that your organizing journey will grow on through every season of life with support and community to help you keep your motivation and break through challenges and encourage you through every step.
Learn The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization
8 strategies to get you off the hamster wheel of home organizing. Grab up this free mini-course today.
Website: www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Email: [email protected]
Are you fed up with drowning in all the paperwork kids bring home from school? Get ready for back to school and decide now what to do with the school paperwork.
In today’s episode I’m sharing what a decision strategy is, why you need one and how to create one.
As a mom looking for a fresh start in her home organizing journey, you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? That means you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Grab your coffee and let’s get you ready for back to school!
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Home Organizing for Beginners:
Learn all you need to know about home organizing so that you can lay a solid foundation that your organizing journey will grow on through every season of life with support and community to help you keep your motivation and break through challenges and encourage you through every step.
Learn The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization
8 strategies to get you off the hamster wheel of home organizing. Grab up this free mini-course today.
Website: www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Email: [email protected]
Do you have paper clutter during the school year caused by the tons of school paperwork flowing into your home?
In today’s episode I’m sharing a back to school organizing idea that will get you ready for back to school and all the school paperwork that comes with it.
As a mom looking for a fresh start in her home organizing journey, you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? That means you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Grab your coffee and let’s get you ready for back to school!
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Home Organizing for Beginners: https://www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com/course
Learn all you need to know about home organizing so that you can lay a solid foundation that your organizing journey will grow on through every season of life with support and community to help you keep your motivation and break through challenges and encourage you through every step.
Learn The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization
8 strategies to get you off the hamster wheel of home organizing. Grab up this free mini-course today.
Does your head spin with all the different options of how to get kids to do chores? Should kids get paid for chores? How do I make a chore chart? So many questions. Am I right?! You just want what works.
In today’s episode I’m sharing why chores are important for kids to do, what chores are age appropriate for kids and a very basic method on how to get kids to do chores.
As a mom looking for a fresh start in her home organizing journey, you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? That means you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Grab your coffee and a pen. Let’s get your kids working on their daily cleaning chores!
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Home Organizing for Beginners: https://www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com/course
Learn all you need to know about home organizing so that you can lay a solid foundation that your organizing journey will grow on through every season of life with support and community to help you keep your motivation and break through challenges and encourage you through every step.
Learn The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization
8 strategies to get you off the hamster wheel of home organizing. Grab up this free mini-course today.
Website: www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Email: [email protected]
What’s the best time management tip you’ve ever gotten? Well, today’s time management tip is going to top that!
In this episode I share reasons to delete social media and how deleting social media benefits you and your family. Your mom schedule will look and feel so much better!
As a mom looking for a fresh start in her home organizing journey, you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? That means you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Grab your coffee and a pen. Let’s get started on saving you time in your daily routine!
Praying for you to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Home Organizing for Beginners: https://www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com/course
Learn all you need to know about home organizing so that you can lay a solid foundation that your organizing journey will grow on through every season of life with support and community to help you keep your motivation and break through challenges and encourage you through every step.
Learn The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization
8 strategies to get you off the hamster wheel of home organizing. Grab up this free mini-course today.
Learn how to organize your garage so that you can enjoy a bit of peace as soon as you drive in.
In this episode I share why you should organize the garage even if it’s not your space and how to make it happen.
As a mom looking for a fresh start in her home organizing journey, you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? That means you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Grab your coffee and let's get started organizing that garage!
Praying for all moms to be blessed with a peaceful home.
Home Organizing for Beginners: https://www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com/course
Learn all you need to know about home organizing so that you can lay a solid foundation that your organizing journey will grow on through every season of life with support and community to help you keep your motivation, break through challenges and encourage you through every step.
Learn The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization
8 strategies to get you off the hamster wheel of home organizing. Grab up this free mini-course today.
Website: www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Email: [email protected]
Today’s microscopic home organizing topic is HOW TO CLEAN YOUR KITCHEN.
I despise having to clean the kitchen before I can make dinner. It’s so frustrating to have to clear the counters and wash the needed pots and pans before I can even get started. This was my reality way too often. I’d walk in the door with a crying baby on my hip and 2 toddlers running around begging for something to eat. When I got to the kitchen I’d realize that we hadn’t really cleaned things up from the night before. Now not only did I have no clue what I was going to make for dinner but I had to consider whether the darn pans I might need were clean or not!
As a mom whose home organizing journey needs a fresh start you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of feeling bad that you can’t consistently clean your kitchen every night after you tuck kids into bed, you can get into a simple kitchen cleaning routine and lean into what comes naturally for you. In this episode you learn why “clean the kitchen every night before you go to bed” isn’t the best advice, I’ll share what is better advice and how you can implement a simple kitchen cleaning routine.
Would you like to talk through your specific kitchen cleaning dilemma? I’m here to help. It's super easy to enlist my free support. Go to www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com and click the Ask Me Anything link.
Your Home Organizing Educator,
Today’s microscopic home organizing topic is a summer cleaning strategy.
Summer is busy or busier, right? In a different way because the weather is warmer, there’s more things to do, there’s more family fun to be had.
Imagine this scenario. I know you’ve had something like this happen already this summer.
It’s early Saturday morning. Your kids come running into your bedroom to wake you up and beg you to take them swimming. The sun is shining bright and you think, yeah. I would love to. What a fun thing to do with them! But then reality sets in. Saturday is cleaning day. How can you just skip it and think the week will all work out? Ugh. The dishes are piled in the sink, you have no clean clothes and the toilets are disgusting. You realize you have to tell them no. That you just can’t because there’s too much to get done today. You know that if you go then you’ll be paying the price all week long. They cry, you feel terrible, but yet, you know you have to be the responsible one. You have to be the mom.
But what can be done so that you can actually say yes more than you say no? Better yet, what can be done so that YOU can plan it and surprise THEM!
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of skipping most of the family fun this summer you can put a summer cleaning strategy in place. In this episode I’ll share with you what a summer cleaning strategy is, what it means in the overall cleanliness of your home and how to implement your strategy today!
This may be a lot to take in on your own. I’m here to help you create a summer cleaning system that works for you and your family. It’s super easy to enlist my free support. Go to www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com and click the Ask Me Anything link. Complete the form and I’ll email you your very own customized recommendations.
I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks so much and have a great day!
Your Home Organizing Educator,
I received a question from a listener, Alasa. She asked “How can I find time to organize when I can’t even keep up with daily tasks?”
Alasa asked me this question and is receiving customized recommendations back through email. She initiated our conversation and my free support and you can too by going to www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com and clicking the Ask Me Anything link.
Today’s microscopic home organizing topic is how to make your home feel less messy. Yes, less messy. I don’t want to make a promise that in a few simple steps you can make your entire home feel organized and impeccable. That isn’t reality. But you can make it feel less messy in a few steps. And this is a starting point.
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of holding yourself to an impossible standard that you don’t have time for, you can focus on making small areas of your home less messy so that you make progress, build momentum and keep moving forward in your home organizing journey. In this episode I’ll share some encouragement, what the problem is that prevents progress and the steps you can follow to make your home feel less messy.
Your Home Organizing Educator,
This is the third of a 3 part series on overcoming overwhelm at home. Last week I reviewed how prioritizing the way we’re taught actually makes us feel more overwhelmed and how you can prioritize instead so that you get stuff done.
Today’s microscopic home organizing topic is creating a dependable system that will capture all the thoughts, ideas and to-do’s that cross your mind.
The whole concept of a capture system is what I had been looking for seemingly forever, but until I found it I didn’t know it’s what I needed or that I was even looking for it. Are you like… what was that?! With a capture system I don’t stress or get overwhelmed as often.
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of allowing overwhelm to rule your life and make you feel anxious and frustrated, you can create a capture system so that you have something you can depend on to capture all your thoughts, ideas and to-do’s. In this episode I’ll share the components of a capture system, the only tool I use within my capture system and how you can implement the same thing or something similar.
If you want to bounce ideas off of someone to help you develop your own capture system, one that YOU can depend on. I’m happy to help. Go to www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com and click the Ask Me Anything link. Fill out the form and I’ll get back to you. This is a completely free service! My experience and expertise in your inbox! All you have to do is ask.
Your Home Organizing Educator,
I find that sometimes I don’t want to take the time to do this whole brain dump thing. Then prioritize it? I fool myself into thinking that if I just roll up my sleeves and get started that will be way more effective.
What happens then? I find myself starting one thing only to notice that another thing needs to be done too. I wind up with several things started and nothing actually completed. In last week’s episode I shared that my husband was in the hospital for a few days.
He’s fine, but the whole situation set us back in our normal daily tasks. Basic housework things. Once everything settled down I thought well I’ll just dive in. I got started with laundry, then worked on the kitchen and then into cleaning our bathroom. Doesn’t sound so bad.
Unfortunately I forgot about the laundry and it wound up being in the washer overnight.
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of allowing overwhelm to rule your life and make you feel anxious and frustrated, you can do a brain dump and prioritize it so that you’re spending your time on the right things.
In this episode I review how prioritizing the way we’re taught actually makes us feel more overwhelmed and how you can prioritize instead and get stuff done.
Remember the goal was to overcome the overwhelm.
Would you like help with your brain dump and prioritizing process? I would love to connect with you. Go to www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com and click the ask me anything link. This allows you to share with me what you sticking point or specific struggle in the process is then I can get back to you with a solution tailored to you.
Join me again next week. I’ll wrap up this series on overcoming overwhelm at home. Thanks so much and have a great day!
Your Home Organizing Educator,
Today’s microscopic home organizing topic is brain dumping - the best way to get all the things out of your mind so you can get the right things done.
This is the first of a 3 part series on overcoming overwhelm at home.
Do you ever feel overwhelmed? That’s a silly question, right?!
EVERYONE feels overwhelmed at times. While it would be great if we could implement something that completely eliminates overwhelm from ever happening again, I don’t think that’s realistic. Do you? Life throws us curveballs, unexpected things. We can even be overwhelmed with normal daily life of running a household, working, trying to simply do all the things.
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of allowing overwhelm to rule your life and make you feel anxious and frustrated, you can start with a brain dump to get yourself moving in the right direction and to squash the overwhelmed feeling. In this episode I’ll share with you what a brain dump is, why it works and how to do one.
Let’s get into the steps you need to take to make it happen.
That’s it! This is the first step to overcoming the overwhelm at home. In next week’s episode I’ll share what the next step is, prioritizing. I’ll share the best way to prioritize and what to consider when you’re doing so. But if you’re feeling like you need extra help right now. It’s an urgent situation. Please go to www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com and click the ask me anything link. This allows you to ask me any question you have about home organizing, including overcoming overwhelm. I’ll get back to you with a solution that you can utilize right away.
Join me again next week to continue learning how to overcome overwhelm at home.
Thanks so much and have a great day!
Your Home Organizing Educator,
Today’s microscopic home organizing topic is Kids Clothes that Don’t Fit.
When my kids - all 3 of them - were born they fit into 9 month size baby clothes. The biggest at 10 pounds and the smallest at 9 pounds 8 ounces, the clothes we got at the baby shower were simply too small. Nobody was predicting that our babies would be so big! Not even my doctor. Even the diapers we had initially were too small for their baby bottoms. I do miss the days of having babies, being able to hold them in my arms and snuggle. Now they’re all too big to fit on my lap and they don’t even want to!
Anyhow. What to do with all the baby clothes, toddler clothes, kids size clothes as they grow. Because they grow out of these things so fast, right! They wear these things once or twice then they’re too small!
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of letting kids' clothes spill out of their closet and dressers because most of them are too small, you can implement a simple process that will help you move these items out of the house for good. In this episode I’ll share with you what the process will do for you, why it will work and how to implement it.
Today’s microscopic home organizing topic is Tidying Up.
Do you have little piles of stuff scattered here and there around your home? Maybe a bit of clean clothes sitting on a chair because you’ve just not had time to put them away. Or the mail from yesterday is sitting on the counter because you just haven’t gotten to it yet. The dirty dishes are sitting in the sink or on the counter. Kids dirty socks laying on the floor in the living room. Used tissues sitting on the coffee table. An empty Gatorade bottle on the fireplace mantle. Ugh. Right? Time to carve out an hour or two to get it all cleaned up. Or is there another solution?
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of making time to clean everything up all at once you can utilize the 2 minute rule throughout the day. In this episode I’ll share with you what the 2 minute rule is, why it works and how to implement it today, right this minute… or 2 minutes!
Today’s microscopic home organizing topic is LAUNDRY.
I have these unwritten rules in my head about laundry. Do you too? Sort them by color. Wash darks on cold, whites on hot, use bleach, wash towels together, wash jeans together. ugh! Do I really need to do all these things? I mean, before kids it was easier because all the dirty clothes were just mine or mine and my husbands. After kids the whole laundry task changed. As they got bigger it changed more, right. Definitely more loads to get done today than there was 10 years ago!
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us. Instead of feeling like laundry is a dreadful never ending chore, you can take a step back and put measures in place to effectively get it done so that you truly feel that you have it under control going forward.
That’s what you want, right? I know you’re smart enough to realize that the task of doing laundry won’t ever just disappear. It’s like dishes, as long as everyone in the house is eating there will inevitably be dishes to wash. As long as everyone in the house doesn’t run around naked there will be clothes to wash!
But it doesn’t have to be something you dread. It can just be a chore that happens as needed for your current season of life or current level of chaos in your home. In this episode I’ll share the best 2 options you have, why these options will work for you and how to get started this week.
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of allowing spring cleaning to seem like a black mark on a great time of year, you can find a new way to get started. In this episode I’ll share with you what areas you should start with, why it’s important to do spring cleaning and how to get started today.
In each episode I share a microscopic home organizing topic. That just means it’s something you can implement today, from start to finish, if you so choose.
Today’s microscopic home organizing topic is this:
What you can do when you don’t know how to get organized.
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of feeling like you should already know how to get organized or forcing yourself to figure it out on your own you can ask questions and get answers. In this episode which is super short so you can take action right away I’ll share with you where you can go to ask questions about home organizing, why it’s ok to ask questions and the steps you can take today to get started.
Let’s start with where you can go to ask all your home organizing questions. I’ve created an online community - not in Facebook because we all know Facebook is just a time suck with oodles of distractions. Instead it’s found within my website so that you can stay focused when you’re working on your home organizing project. This community is where you can go to ask me anything about home organizing and I’ll answer!
I used to feel like there was something wrong with me because I couldn’t be organized “like everyone else.” I was too embarrassed to ask questions of my friends that always seemed to have it so together. You don't have to keep struggling. Maybe you’re not sure where to get started. Or maybe you have a room specific question like, what is the best type of container to store my makeup in? Whatever your question is, come to this community and ask it. You don’t have to forge through this all by yourself. You are definitely not the only one who struggles to get and stay organized!
So, the steps to ask your questions are quick and painless.
Go to http://www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Click the button on the top of the website and sign up for an account -no payment info is needed.
Create your profile - basically add your name and picture if you like.
Ask your questions!
I like to wrap up every episode with a single point to remember. This point is meant to help you remember what you’ve learned today so that you can make progress and build momentum in your home organizing journey.
Today’s point to remember is this:
Ask questions. Get answers. Today.
Thanks so much and have a great day! I hope to meet you in the free community!
This is it. This is the final strategy that will help get you off the hamster wheel of home organizing. That’s where you organize the same spaces over and over and over again. If you’ve not listened to the episodes detailing out the other 7 strategies you’ll certainly want to go back and listen to all of them. It can be right now before the rest of this episode or after you’re done here. All 8 strategies work together because they’re all created with sustainability in mind. If you’re not able to keep your organized spaces organized what’s the point, right? It feels like such a waste of time.
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of stopping your home organizing project after everything has been physically done you can finish by putting measures in place to SUSTAIN it. In this episode I’ll share with you what it means to SUSTAIN your work, why it’s important and how to make it happen.
Let’s dive deep into your home organizing journey together. Sign up for The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization at www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com .
Join me next week as we dive into what you can do when you don’t know how to get organized.
How many times have you stopped at a store, saw some really nice baskets or bins and all of sudden had motivation to get organized. Literally this is where I think we all start. My daughter, without any prior discussion, asked if we could buy these specific baskets so that, and I quote, “I can organize my bedroom, mom.” How is it that buying baskets or bins will result in an organized bedroom? When we actually stop and think about it we realize that the baskets and bins would look nice but we have no idea if they fit the space or what we would even store in them.
And this is why so many of us wind up on the hamster wheel of home organizing where we have to organize the same spaces over and over and over again.
The strategy we’ll talk about today is the strategy that most people think of when they think of getting organized, but with a twist.
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of starting with cute bins and resolving to just get rid of everything, you can shift your focus when you ORGANIZE. In this episode I’ll share with you what it means to organize, why it’s important and how to organize so that you can set yourself up for success and ultimately get off the hamster wheel of home organizing.
You can dive deeper into organizing by focusing on the function with me by your side. Sign up for The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization at www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com .
Join me next week as we dive into strategy 8, Sustain. This is the final strategy in this series about How to get organized and stay organized.
Your Home Organizing Educator,
Does the thought of going through all your stuff in order to get organized make you feel anxious and overwhelmed? You are not alone. What I’ve learned over time and in talking with a lot of moms is that getting started is HARD because we think we have to get rid of a lot of our stuff in order to get organized and we’re just not ready until we are ready. Up until a couple of years ago I had every piece of artwork that my kids ever made stashed away in tons of boxes and bins shoved here, there and everywhere! And truth be told, I still have all the daily reports from when they were in day care! I kept them all! They’re all 3 hole punched and stored in binders tucked away in my closet.
Minimalism seems to be all the rage right now. They say, just get rid of your stuff. It’s so much easier to keep your home tidy and organized. While that is a true statement, it is in fact easier to be organized if you have less stuff, it’s not a requirement. You can be organized and keep your stuff. Isn’t that a relief?!
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of starting with cute bins and resolving to just get rid of everything, you can start with SORT your stuff. In this episode I’ll share with you what it means to SORT your stuff, why you need to and how to make it happen.
You can dive deeper into sorting through your stuff with me by your side. Sign up for The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization at www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com.
Join me next week as we dive into strategy 7, ORGANIZE.
Your Home Organizing Educator,
Have you found yourself watching home organizing shows on Netflix? I love watching them, but I typically walk away with this vision in my head of what an organized home is supposed to be - perfection. Wonderful decor, all matching, fitting in the allotted spaces. The work they do on those shows is great, but I’ve found for myself and my clients, it ultimately demotivates most moms. It’s just not realistic to think that our homes will look like what they do on those shows. I mean it can, but then we can’t live life in our homes. We can’t play with our kids, we can’t let them paint in our kitchens, or build forts in our living rooms. Real life dictates that our homes will look lived in because they are!
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of looking to others on TV shows, Pinterest or other social platforms for motivation, you can take pictures of your own home organizing journey. In this episode I’ll share with you what pictures to take, why you need to do so and how to manage them in order to optimize their effect.
You can dive deeper into taking and managing your home organizing pictures with me by your side. Sign up for The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization at www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com.
Join me next week as we dive into strategy 6, Sort. I share what sorting is, why you sort your stuff and how to do so effectively.
Your Home Organizing Educator,
How can I get organized when I’m so busy?
This is a very valid concern and one that I had too. I used to carve out entire weekends or take days off of work just so that I could get organized. The problem with this is that since I felt like I had carved out all this time I could get a ton done. And it was inevitable that I would bite off more than I could chew. I’d get to the end of the day or weekend and find that I wasn’t finished. Or worse yet, I would get stuck part way through or feel completely overwhelmed at the size of the task and simply give up! I would never finish.
If carving out huge blocks of time in your schedule to get organized is NOT something that will work for you, then right sizing your project will be a game changer!
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of carving out huge blocks of time where you feel pressured to get it all done, you can right size your projects throughout your entire home organizing journey. In this episode I’ll share with you what right sizing means, why you must do so and how to figure out the right size project to start with.
You can dive deeper into right sizing your first home organizing project with me by your side. Sign up for The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization at www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com.
Join me next week as we dive into strategy 5, Pictures. I share what pictures to take, why to take them and how you can manage them to optimize their effect on your home organizing journey.
Your Home Organizing Educator,
I’m going to guess this has happened to you before, and I only know because it has happened to me too! You finally feel motivated to get organized. You have the whole weekend planned, you’re going to start with your office, then do the junk drawer in the kitchen. You know it’s a stretch goal, but you totally feel up for it. Saturday morning hits, you get up, get your cup of coffee and dive in starting with your desk. It’s cluttered, stuff piled up all over it so you start there. You start with a pile of paperwork, you see some old bills and think oh no! Did I pay those? You take a look online and find that they are paid. OK, still feeling motivated you dive back into the rest of the piles. There are some of the books your kids used to read, you page through them and feel a pang of sadness. You brush that to the side along with the books. Now you open a drawer, you know the top of the desk isn’t done, but that all needs a lot of hard decisions, the drawers should be easier. But they’re not. You forgot that the last time you got organized you shoved a bunch of old paperwork inside. UGH! Maybe the junk drawer will be easier and you need more coffee. It’s noon and nothing is done yet! You make lunch, sit down to watch a show and pretty much never return to the project.
This happens because making decisions is HARD. And it’s ok. If making the decision of what to do with your kids books was easy, they wouldn’t be piled on your desk, right?
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of starting with cute bins and resolving to just get rid of everything, you can put together a Decision Strategy. In this episode I’ll share with you what a Decision Strategy is, why you need one and what to consider to create your own.
You can dive deeper into devising your decision strategy with me by your side. Sign up for The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization.
Your Home Organizing Educator,
How do I get organized and stay organized? This is a question I hear a lot and it’s a question I used to ask myself too. I was so tired of organizing the same spaces over and over again. It happened often enough for me to name the cycle the hamster wheel of home organizing.
We have a set of lockers in our entryway coming in from the garage. I lost count on how many times I got this space organized only to have it be a complete disaster again within the week. Oh my gosh I would get so stinking mad! I’d just feel defeated. It’s the worst because that’s the space I’d walk into as soon as I got home from work. And if you listened to last week's episode you’d know that in creating your home organizing vision you consider how you want to feel when you walk into your home or a space. I want to feel peace, calm and joy. Not frustration, anger and defeat!
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of starting with cute bins and resolving to just get rid of everything, you can put together a Home Organizing Plan. In this episode I’ll share with you what a home organizing plan is, why you need one and how to create it.
I would recommend printing out the free download that goes along with this podcast so that you can easily put together your Home Organizing Plan. Go to home organizing for beginners . com and sign up. I’ll put the link in the show notes. You actually get a lot more than just this single download, you get access to all the downloads for all 8 strategies. They’re all in the free program called The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization.
Your Home Organizing Educator,
I felt fear and frustration everyday when I’d walk into my home. It was always a mess. I’d get motivated to do something, set aside an entire weekend to finally get organized only to wind up irritated with being interrupted by my kids. I’d yell, they’d cry. Ugh. It was an ugly situation! One I’m not proud to share, but I know now that I’m not alone in this cycle.
I just wanted to walk into my home after a long day at work and feel peace, calm and joy. I seriously wish I’d had that back then.
I don’t want you to miss out on the precious time with your kids. I want you to find that peace, calm and joy before it’s too late!
To do that, you’ll have to do something different than what you’ve done before or what we are constantly told by society. Everything I teach starts with sustainability in mind. You don’t want to spend your time organizing the same spaces over and over again, right?
Instead of starting with cute bins and resolving to just get rid of everything, you can learn where to really start - with a Home Organizing Vision. In this episode I’ll share with you what a home organizing vision is, why you need one and how to craft a useful one.
Free Resource: The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization
Your Home Organizing Educator,
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right?
In today’s episode I’ll share with you the 8 strategies you need to employ in order to stay off that hamster wheel of home organizing forever. Then over the next 8 weeks we’ll dive deeper into each strategy. We’ll identify what the problems are when you don’t utilize the strategy and we’ll lay out the steps you can follow to implement each one.
If you want access to all of these strategies today, you can get them for free in the online course The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization. You get video training on each of the 8 strategies and documents to use that will help you implement each one. Again, if you’re ready to get going you can access all of what I’ll be sharing over the next 8 weeks today for free.
Free Resource: The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization
Thanks so much!
So today’s microscopic home organizing topic is this:
The best way to get rid of the stuff you declutter.
Welcome to Home Organizing for Beginners.
In each episode I share a microscopic home organizing topic. That just means it’s something you can implement today, from start to finish, if you so choose.
Do you find that as you’re living daily life you sometimes come across something and you think, I should get rid of this? Like, we don’t use this anymore. Something like clothes or toys that your kids have outgrown? Maybe even some of your own clothing that you don’t like or wear anymore. Basically you’re ready to declutter some items from your home.
The simplest way I’ve found to get stuff out of my home that I no longer want or use is to donate it.
Today I’ll share the problems you’re running into that’s preventing you from donating your stuff. I’ll share what the solution is, why it works and how you can implement it today.
To learn your options to continue your home organizing journey with me by your side go to www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
Thanks so much and have a great day! I hope we have the opportunity to get to know each other better.
You need a way to organize your closet so that you can find the clothes you want to wear when you want to wear them.
Do you find yourself running out of time as you search for something to wear every morning? Maybe you have a favorite shirt or pants, but you know you shouldn’t wear them everyday even if you’re a stay at home mom.
I knew I needed to get my closet under control when I found that I didn’t even use it anymore. It was full of clothes but it was way easier to throw the clothes that I would wear on the bench in my bathroom and get dressed from there.
Today’s microscopic home organizing topic is this:
How to organize your closet so you can find the clothes you want to wear.
In this episode I’ll share the problems you’re seeing with a chaotic and unorganized closet. I’ll share what the solution is, why it works and how you can implement it today if you so choose.
Thanks so much!
Free resource: The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization
As someone who’s just starting their home organizing journey or feels like they need a fresh start you may think getting organized just isn’t possible for you. Maybe you’ve tried but it just never seems to work.
Today’s microscopic home organizing topic is this:
You actually CAN get started, get organized and stay organized.
Home organization must BEGIN WITH THE BASICS by following these 3 steps.
Are you ready to begin with the basics so that you can reach your vision of an organized home?
To have the feeling that all your things have a place?
To open your home to unexpected guests without fear of what they may be thinking?
To be able to find what you need when you need it?
In the online course Home Organizing for Beginners, you’ll begin with the basics and implement each of these steps so you can get there, so you can have the organized home you envision. I'll be with you every step of the way.
The first 5 people to purchase pay $47 by using the coupon code SOS. That’s a savings of more than 50% off the normal price of only $97.
To learn more go to https://homeorganizingforbeginners.com/
Thanks so much and have a great day!
This is the time of year when we have some natural motivation to get organized, but what happens when you lose motivation?
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey, losing your motivation and not knowing how to get it back can be devastating.
Today’s microscopic home organizing topic is STAYING MOTIVATED DURING YOUR HOME ORGANIZING JOURNEY.
Do you find yourself making progress, feeling good about organizing your closet, desk or junk drawer only to have it all brought to a screeching halt by interruptions? Do you feel like getting organized is just really hard (IT IS!) and you get distracted easily?
Today you'll learn the best way to get yourself motivated again. It involves pictures, but not what you've heard before!
To continue your home organizing journey with me by your side click here or go to www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com.
Have a great day! I hope to have the chance to get to know you better.
There’s this thing that often has to be done BEFORE you can even start thinking about organizing your home.
Today’s microscopic home organizing topic is GETTING YOUR FAMILY TO HELP CLEAN… so you can get started organizing.
Cleaning is a thorn in your side, right? It’s time consuming and everyone in the house just messes it up almost instantly. It is so incredibly frustrating!
Does it seem like nobody sees what needs to be done? Or worse yet it feels like nobody cares! Are you feeling like you have to do it all on your own? These feelings can make you angry and bitter with those you love most. (it did for me!)
Today you’ll learn there’s one primary thing that needs to happen so that you can get your family to help clean. This will put you in the position of managing your home instead of doing all the things yourself so that you can get started, get organized and ultimately stay organized.
To continue your home organizing journey with me by your side click here or go to www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com.
Have a great day! I hope to have the chance to get to know you better.
Email me at: [email protected]
Getting started can be the hardest part of getting organized.
Today’s microscopic home organizing topic is GETTING STARTED.
You want to get organized and stay organized but if you aren’t able to effectively get started it’ll never happen.
There’s a reason you struggle to get started in your home organizing journey. Overwhelm. Do you get mixed messages from friends, family and even Google on where you should start organizing? Do you want everything to be perfect? So much so that you’re paralyzed and can’t even start? Maybe making difficult decisions makes you cringe.
Today you’ll learn a better way to think about getting started on your home organizing journey. One that will help you move past the overwhelm anytime it sets in so that you can move forward, make progress, build momentum and implement solutions that will last.
To continue your home organizing journey with me by your side click here or go to www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com.
Have a great day! I hope to have the chance to get to know you better.
Today’s microscopic home organizing topic is KIDS’ TOYS.
Do the kids' toys seem like litter strewn all over your home?
How many times have you tiptoed into your kids room only to step on a Lego?
Can you eat at the dinner table or are there too many crayons and coloring books sitting on it?
For someone that is just beginning their home organizing journey or feels like they are, dealing with SO MANY TOYS may feel impossible.
In today’s episode we tackle this problem in a way that will help you implement a toy organizing solution today… WITH the help of your kids!
To continue your home organizing journey with me by your side click here.
Have a great day! I hope to have the chance to get to know you better.
Today’s microscopic home organizing topic is DECLUTTERING.
Decluttering is defined this way - to remove unnecessary items from an untidy or overcrowded place. Is your home untidy and overcrowded? How do you feel thinking about removing unnecessary items from your home?
For someone that is just beginning their home organizing journey, decluttering may actually stop you from even getting started. You may have tried in the past but found that it just wasn’t working.
In this episode I’ll share details of the problem “decluttering” creates, what the solution is, why it works and the steps you take to implement it.
To continue your home organizing journey with me by your side click here.
Have a great day! I hope to have the chance to get to know you better.
Do you dream of waking up and your kitchen being spotless? Everything is clear, no papers, no artwork, no dirty dishes, no paper bags, no backpacks and certainly no crusted on food?!
Do you dream of waking up and there’s literally nothing on your counters except maybe a coffee pot?
Today’s microscopic topic is:
Where to start when organizing your kitchen. And it’s likely not what you’re thinking.
In this episode I’ll share what you’re probably seeing in your kitchen right now and why it’s like that. Then, what the starting point is to work towards your vision of an organized kitchen, why it’ll work and how to implement it.
To learn more go to HomeOrganizingForBeginners.com
Today’s micro topic or microscopic topic is The first step in organizing your paperwork.
We’re not talking about the entire paperwork processing system because you want to walk away from this podcast episode with a tangible solution that you can implement today.
As someone who is or feels like they are just starting their home organizing journey, you have to take these micro steps so that you move forward, make progress, build momentum and implement solutions that will last.
This first step in organizing your paperwork is truly a stand alone step.
When you take this step it will have an immediate positive impact within your home.
In this episode I’ll share the details of the problem with paperwork.
I’ll share what the solution is, why it works and how you will implement it.
Questions: [email protected]
Learn more: www.homeorganizingforbeginners.com
I want to take this time to do 2 things.
First to share with you exactly what you can expect from each podcast episode and second to tell you what options you have to continue your home organizing journey with me by your side.
Your Home Organizing Educator,
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.