Mabel Katz’s Official Podcast
The podcast Ho‘oponopono: The Easiest Way is created by Mabel Katz. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
✨ Are you looking for peace and balance?
Learn how Ho'oponopono can be your ally to leave your anxiety behind and live in peace and harmony.
My official sites:
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #zerofrequency #peace #balance #anxiety
Hello, I'm Mabel Katz, and I want to invite you to reflect: what would happen if you stopped limiting yourself with goals?
Living without goals does not mean that you stop achieving things, but you free yourself from control and allow life to guide you.
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “I have nothing to do with the past; nor with the future. I live now”🌟 In this video, you will discover how practicing Ho'oponopono can help you trust, let go, and live fully from consciousness.
For more:
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #podcast
Last Saturday, we delved into a topic that can often evoke fear but also holds the potential for profound liberation: death. We discussed how this inevitable stage of life can become an opportunity to let go, trust, and live more fully. It was a conversation filled with deep reflections, where we opened our minds to new perspectives and explored the possibility of seeing death not as an end, but as a rebirth.
I believe this conversation can resonate with you and offer a more hopeful outlook in these times. 💫 I hope it inspires you as much as it did for us!
In this live session, we’ll explore whether our life has a purpose chosen by our soul and how each encounter and challenge helps us grow. Through Ho’oponopono, we’ll discover how to let go, trust, and accept that everything in our life holds perfect meaning. Join this heart-to-heart conversation and connect with a new perspective on your journey! 💖
Do you judge yourself?
Do you control others but don't like others to control you? Where are you looking for love?
The monthly live class is a powerful way to clean and learn more about Ho’oponopono. Would you like your questions answered or clear a situation, belief, or thought?
Participate LIVE or access the recording later at any time.
Here is the link for the Monthly class
🌟 Happiness doesn't depend on anything outside yourself. You can still be happy in life's challenges. Discover how to stay calm and happy even in tough times.
And you, have you tried? Do you know how to use Ho'oponopono's simple techniques to let go of stress and find emotional balance?
My official sites:
#mabelkatz #hooponopnoo #behappy
🌟 Discover the truth behind the shadows. Question your perceptions!
Let's explore our life journey in connection to ancient myths and our beliefs.
My official sites:
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #perception
When a soul leaves its physical body, an expansion of consciousness occurs, a feeling of immense peace and liberation.
Souls never leave alone, no one dies alone! The greatest gift we can offer a person when they leave their body is our own peace and loving energy.
👪 Would you join a committed community that thinks and seeks the same as you? Our Ho'oponopono Family is a daily journey that will connect you with peace and you get 24/7 support and cleaning!
All details here:
#MabelKatz #Live #Hooponopono #Death #DeathExperiences #ZeroFrequency
✨ Have you heard of the power of mind over matter? Our mindset ALWAYS significantly impacts our physical well-being and abilities. By cultivating a strong, positive mindset, we can tap into our inner strength and transform our lives in ways we may never have imagined.
Let's talk about how the power of our mind can transform our lives! Ho'oponopono offers you the keys to awaken this sleeping giant and access your full potential.
👪 Would you join a committed community that thinks and seeks the same as you? Our Ho'oponopono Family is a daily journey that will connect you with peace, joy and abundance; and you get 24/7 support!
All details here:
#MabelKatz #Hooponopono #Love #LetGo #Reaction #HooponoponowithMabelKatz
✨ Death is an inevitable companion of life, and it is what culminates with the development of the human being. It has a spiritual component and depends on the way we have lived.
Death will be colored by the degree of spirituality achieved during life. That is why our spiritual and transformational work with Ho'oponopono is so important.
👪 Would you join a committed community that thinks and seeks the same as you? Our Ho'oponopono Family is a daily journey that will connect you with peace, joy and abundance; and you get 24/7 support!
All details here:
#MabelKatz #Hooponopono #HooponoponowithMabelKatz
Karmic relationships are those that have deep meaning and lasting impact on our lives. Full of challenges, intense emotions and the feeling of having met the other person before. Has it happened to you?
Discover how Ho'oponopono can help you achieve inner peace. I found The Easiest Way to do it and want to share it with you.
When a soul leaves its physical body, an expansion of consciousness occurs, a feeling of immense peace and liberation. Souls never leave alone, no one dies alone! The greatest gift we can offer a person when they leave their body is our own peace and loving energy.
Within each of us lies an extraordinary power, a force capable of transforming our lives and shaping our reality. That power is the mind, the source of our creativity, healing and wisdom.
Let's talk about how the power of our mind can transform our lives! Ho'oponopono offers you the keys to awaken this sleeping giant and access your full potential.
What improvements are you going to make in your life? Always remember that Ho'oponopono helps you let go of what it is not you, so that you can find out who you really are and fall in love with yourself.
Yes! The wonderful thing about Ho’oponopono is that it will help you let go of what is not you, so you will be able to find out who you really are, and fall in love with yourself. After all, only when you love and accept yourself, will you be able to love and accept others.
💫 No matter how tough life is or how insurmountable your problems may seem, YOU CAN DO IT. God never gives us anything we are not capable of resolving.
And since we are talking about money and keys, I want to take this opportunity to remind you of two programs that helped many people to open the doors of prosperity.
The first one is the INFLOW program, thousands of people around the world, have benefited from it. With more than 10 hours of content, you will FAST TRACK the financial abundance you so much deserve. In this program I put together everything that helped me to believe in myself and allow the universe to guide me and inspire me. That took me from being a successful accountant, tax specialist in Los Angeles, to the international speaker that I am today.
More information about InFlow:
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #zerofrequency #abundance
We are in the midst of profound changes, and the most important task now is not to engage in the drama of a dying world, but to turn inward and empower ourselves to create the life we desire.
My official sites:
#Consciousness #hooponoponowithmabelkatz
✨ Find out with me. I will explain how Ho'oponopono can be a powerful tool for global healing, and for your transformation.
My official sites:
#leavefears #nofears #MabelKatz #hooponopono #zerofrequency
🌟 Do you think the world is against you? Do you blame others for what happens to you? Do you see yourself as a victim? Do you think you have bad luck? Do you believe that others are better than you?
Then do not miss this LIVE SESSION. Today, your luck will change!
My official sites:
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #zerofrequency #letgoandtrust #LeaveVictimhoodBehind #ShiftingPerspectives #EmbraceYourPotential #OwnYourLuck #ItsYourTimeNow
🌟 You can make a difference. Together we can change the world. Do you join us?
My official sites:
#hooponopono #mabelkatz #peace #wecanmakeadifference #wecanchangetheworld
🌟 Does it happen to you that sometimes you are with people, but you feel empty? Do you feel that you need the acceptance and approval of others in order to be "somebody"?
I invite you to realize that you are never alone.
My official sites:
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #zerofrequency #letgoandtrust #youareneveralone #behappy
🌟 You have the power to heal yourself.
Choose to live in harmony and at peace. To stay healthy, it is essential to become observant of the messages sent to us by the universe and our bodies.
What small changes are you willing to implement today to improve your well-being for tomorrow?
I have designed a collection of peace products which are perfect to complement your daily practice and be able to clean 24-7, and this month you can buy them with a 20% discount. You just have to enter the code MYPEACE at the time of making your purchase.
Go to the store by clicking here 👇
#HealingPowerWithin #ChooseHarmonyAndPeace #ListenToYourBody #HealthierLifestyleAdjustments #WellnessJourneyBeginsNow #MabelKatz #Hooponopono #ZeroFrequency
💫 Thank you Marie Bernard. Thank you for the opportunity and thank you for letting your audience know more about Ho'oponopono.
My official sites:
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #zerofrequency #letgoandtrust #hooponoponohealing
💫 Do you think Ho'oponopono is only for old people? No, Ho'oponopono is for EVERYONE. Ho'oponopono also helps young people and children find the freedom and happiness they seek
It is our responsibility to help young people find their path, and not let them go to a university or follow a profession they do not like, thinking that this is the way they will become "somebody".
Today you can make a difference, help a young person find their way 👇
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #zerofrequency #letgoandtrust #HooponoponoForAllAges #YoungAndHappyWithHooponopono #HealingForEveryoneWithHooponopono
🌟Why do you think some people persevere and others don't? Could you give them some advice? What is your experience?
Perseverance is the importance of independence.
My official sites:
#hooponoponowithMabelKatz #hooponoonotools #hooponoponomantra #thankyouhooponopono #perseverance #mabelkatz
🌟 When we connect with higher energies, the universe reveals its most magical secrets. Synchronizing our souls with the Divinity, inviting abundance and serenity into our lives.
My official sites:
#MabelKatz #hooponopono #live #ElevateYourSoul #ConnectingWithTheUniverse #CosmicConsciousness
✨ It's time to start again. Release everything that chains you to the past and that hurts you, clean your heart so that it is ready for a new life.
It's a new beginning 🙏❤️.
My official sites:
#NewBeginnings #ReleaseAndRenew #StartFresh #CleanseYourHeart #EmbraceChange #LetGoAndGrow #TodayIsTheDay #BelieveInYourself #TimeForRebirth #PositiveVibesOnly #mabelkatz #hooponopono
✨ How do you connect with your creativity? Ho'oponopono helps you to transmute those memories playing in your subconscious mind that could be an obstacle in your own life. Let go and go with the flow.
Allow inspiration to come into your life and guide you. Every time you let go you go back to Zero. When you live at Zero Frequency, everything that is right for you just comes to you effortlessly.
Thank you AJ Logan 🙏❤️.
My official sites:
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #hooponoponobooks #books #creativity #inspirationalquotes #zerofrequency
✨ Ho'oponopono goes far beyond the Law of Attraction, it is about allowing the Universe to take care of you. Let inspiration come into your life and find the miracles in your life. There is an amazing happy life waiting for you, don't waste more time!
Thank you Marie for this opportunity 🙏❤️
My official sites:
#MabelKatz #Hooponopono #LetGo #hooponoponosupport #allowtheuniverse #hooponoponowithmabelkatz
✨ It is very important to detach and set ourselves free. Remember you have everything you need inside yourself.
This is your Special Invitation to join our Family and become a Sacred Ho’oponopono Member. Can you imagine getting weekly Ho’oponopono resources and accessing a community that reminds you to stay present and let go? I shows you The Easiest Way to finding the road to love, wealth and success. When you commit to consistent support, you get consistent results.
See you Tuesday, May 30th, 2023 at 12 PM (Los Angeles).
#MabelKatz #Hooponopono #LetGo #hooponoponosupport #hooponoponomembership #hooponoponowithmabelkatz
🌟 Many people confuse spirituality with religion. Here you have many examples on how to live at Zero Frequency, such as applying the principles of Ho'oponopono, a very ancient Hawaiian art of problem-solving, that can make your professional and personal life much easier. Discover The Easiest Way to Peace, Happiness and Success.
Thank you Mike Wall 🙏❤️.
My official sites:
#business #success #successbusinessideas #mabelkatz #hooponopono #spirituality
💫🌟 Have you ever tried Ho'oponopono? Well, it is The Easiest Way to Happiness, Peace and Abundance. It works with money problems, relationships, health, and more. Just try it, you will enjoy living at Zero Frequency.
Thank you David Barnett 🙏❤️
My official sites:
#interview #zerofrequency #beyourself #theeasiestway #letgoandtrust
💫 Be brave, be bold, and dare to be who you are. Embrace your uniqueness and let it shine. Discover the power of authenticity. Embrace your authentic self and unlock limitless potential.
My official sites:
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #zerofrequency #beyourself #theeasiestway #letgoandtrust
💫 Love is one of the most beautiful and powerful emotions we can experience in life. It can transform our world, heal our wounds, and bring light to our darkest moments.
Ho'oponopono, is a traditional Hawaiian art practiced for generations to restore harmony, balance, and well-being to individuals, families, and communities.
My official sites:
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #zerofrequency #hooponoponoforlove #theeasiestway #letgoandtrust
💫 Ho'oponopono is an ancestral Hawaiian art focused on solving all kinds of problems, both personal and professional.
The dangers of Ho'oponopono derive from expectations and a lack of understanding of what this art is really about.
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #zerofrequency #theeasiestway #letgoandtrust
💫 Are you one of those people who analyze excessively? Do you think and worry too much? You may be overwhelmed by anxiety.
With Ho'oponopono we work on releasing negative memories that may be causing worry and fear in your life. You don't need to feel so burdened.
Let go and trust! Life can be easier.
My official sites:
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #zerofrequency #noanxiety #theeasiestway #letgoandtrust
💫 Powerful relationships start from the premise that powerful lives are powerful relationships.
My friends, there is no room for shame, blame, or judgment in our spiritual life. There is only room for love. And as you will see in this month’s Q&A, the more love and acceptance we have for all, the more beautiful our relationships will be.
I hope you will join me. Let us learn to love together. See you:
Wednesday, March 29th, 2023, at 12 pm (Los Angeles) here 👇
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #zerofrequency #powerfulrelationships
💫 Ho'oponopono teaches you that you can choose happiness. Remember that it all starts with you. When you choose to be happy, you simply are and live in harmony.
Join me, and we’ll start living a harmonious life together! 👇
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #zerofrequency #happiness #harmony
💫 With Ho'oponopono you can make your dreams come true. You can achieve the happiness, peace and abundance that you want and deserve so much.
Don't let fear or insecurity stop you. Believe in yourself, follow your passion and encourage yourself to be yourself.
Change your mindset and make your dreams come true 👇
Never give up on your dreams and keep going!
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #zerofrequency #youcan
💫 When you let Ho'oponopono lead you, you are in balance. You get perfect ideas and relationships at the right moment, because part of the success is finding the right team to support you.
My official sites:
#zerofrequency #hispanicnetworkcommunity #letgoandtrust
💫 The ability to be happy and at peace for no reason brings opportunities, abundance and doors that begin to open.
My official sites:
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #zerofrequency #spirituality
💫 So death actually gives meaning to life. Death is your friend. Death is your liberator. For God’s sake, do not be afraid of death. Try to learn what it’s saying to you.
If we truly want to live a conscious and meaningful life filled with joy and purpose, we must learn to embrace death. And I promise you that it will change your life forever if you do. Let me show you how in this month’s life-affirming Q&A.
Register here 👇❤️🙏
See you Tuesday, February 28th at 12 noon Los Angeles time.
I hope you will join me for this special Q&A. Bring your love ❤ and joy as we fully embrace death as part of our journey to a better and more conscious life.
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #zerofrequency #hooponoponosupport #qasession
💖 When you are okay, everyone else is okay with you. When you approve of and love yourself, others love you and approve of you too.
My official sites:
💫 Ho'oponopono helps us to love and accept ourselves as we are.
If we do not love ourselves, we cannot love others, nor can others love us. If something doesn't work for us, it will not work for others.
Don't look for love in the wrong places. Love towards our own being is the most powerful transformation tool. Love starts with us.
Find love here 👇
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #zerofrequency #letgoandtrust
💫 We come to correct mistakes from other lives, and we choose our parents before we come, this is based on what we want to learn and fulfill a purpose.
Click the link to discover how to live a more conscious life and share it with those you think could get help from it 👇
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #zerofrequency #letgoandtrust #nopain
✨ Allow your heart to guide you. Zero Frequency® may speak to the intellect, but it is for the heart, teaching you how to free your soul and return to the source of all joy.
My official sites:
💫 A challenge can be fun, easy and inspiring. Ho'oponopono is the tool you need to achieve it🙏❤️.
My official sites:
#mabelkatz #hooponopono #zerofrequency #live #challenges #hooponoponowithMabelKatz
💫Living without fear is essential in these times we are living. Fear is your only weakness. Choose love instead of fear.
Many people confuse spirituality with religion. Here you have many examples on how to live at Zero Frequency, such as applying the principles of Ho'oponopono, a very ancient Hawaiian art of problem-solving, that can make your professional and personal life much easier. Discover The Easiest Way to Peace, Happiness and Success.
If you want to learn more about Ho’oponopono, join the FREE course:
With love,
When you want to open your mind so that you can see a problem in a different way and change your emotions and perception about it, take a break. Move to a different location: go outside, sit in a different room of your house or place of work, whatever is the easiest for you in that moment. A few minutes will make a world of difference.
If you want to learn more about Ho’oponopono, join the FREE course:
Enjoy it!
You already know that I left my practice and career as an accountant in 2008, right? I let go and trusted. I paid more attention to my heart than to my intellect. I didn’t have the necessary savings, and I had debts, but how about this? The heart is never wrong.
I had already seen the wonderful results in my profession as an accountant, representing my clients before the IRS (tax entity in the USA), which convinced me how such a simple technique as Ho'oponopono could be so powerful and effective. I knew it worked.
Ho'oponopono for business? Yes! It doesn't matter if you already have your business or not, nor if you have a career or not. All you need is the desire to improve yourself, grow, and realize that YES YOU CAN!
Tell me one thing, are you running after money? Perhaps you have worked all your life to earn money believing that the day you obtain it you will be able to live more relaxed?
Many times, we put aside what is important by chasing money, believing that it can solve all our problems, and then we look back and realize that we have dedicated our entire lives to it.
Do you have time to contemplate the roses? Do you have time to observe the birds fly? So many things you are postponing for the time when you will have everything. Do you think you will then relax and enjoy yourself?
Today the invitation is to attract more peace into your life. Yes, it is possible! Do you think it could be hard to detach yourself from the chaos of your mind and of this world? To find peace we must definitely believe in ourselves, know that we are not alone and there is a universe to support, protect and guide us.
When we allow inspiration to flow into our lives, we will be gifted with perfect ideas and solutions to promote the happiness and abundance we seek and deserve.
Has it ever happened to you that you thought you knew more than God, or that you felt you knew what was supposed to make you happy or what was right and perfect for you? Have you ever wasted time and energy in your life worrying or agonizing over things that "magically got resolved"?
Can you imagine? With the same part of our minds which we go crazy every day with, we try to control everything that happens in our Universe.
With Ho'oponopono we learn to let go and give permission to God; knowing that He knows best what we need and will bring peace to our lives.
After so many years of traveling the world with my mission, I know that Ho'oponopono is the easiest way and that it can change your life as much as it has changed mine.
One thing that Ho'oponopono helped me with was learning to trust myself. Trust is the motivating force that will help you take action.
Truly trusting is trusting yourself and your inspiration; it is also trusting the world around you. Trust requires practice.
Have you ever thought about quit doing, making plans, and just choosing to be? These are moments to decide to trust, staying present, and living moment to moment. We feel fear and insecurity of not knowing what is going to happen tomorrow, or next month, and the truth is that we do not need to know – but give permission to be guided and live in Zero Frequency.
I know that letting go requires courage and effort, because it means trusting the unknown and getting out of your comfort zone, but it is the first step to true awakening.
Did you know that the best way to deal with a situation, especially if it is a difficult one, is not to act? And more than not acting, not forcing any solution, but letting it go.
Today I invite you to shed light on a topic that "concerns" many people: Beingo Overweight. In my presentations there is always a question or a testimonial about it, and it still amazes me how many people underestimate what the mind (memories) can do to the body.
Many of us feel deep shame about our bodies. There is nothing wrong with it! Those are just ideas that have been put into our minds by others. Osho says that to consider oneself overweight is a very suicidal attitude and we must abandon that absurdity.
Begin to love yourself. Only when you do so, then someone else could love you; otherwise you will not allow anyone to get close to you. If you are so afraid of your body, how can you tolerate someone else worshiping it? You wouldn't tolerate it!
The most important thing is to understand that we are not just a physical body and that we do not depend on external circumstances to feel good and take good care of ourselves.
What stories do we tell ourselves to keep well-being and happiness away? Sometimes we are our worst enemy!
Today I want to ask you the following questions: does it make sense to you that your happiness depends on someone else? Have you become so attached that you think you couldn't live without that person?
It's happened to all of us. I lived much of my life depending on the approval and acceptance of others. I needed to have a partner in order to be "someone", I needed to have friends to feel good. But despite having them all I was not happy, I still felt empty and alone. I didn't love or accept myself – and until I began to love and accept myself, I wasn't happy. That's when I stopped looking for my "other half".
For example, we believe that falling in love and the feeling of attachment generates love and we insist on this belief, generating endless disappointments. However, true love cannot cause pain. It is the other way around, pure love is all about accepting and it's unconditional.
True love sets you free!
Surely you have already had the experience of winning an argument, and you know that, that type of satisfaction is temporary. The feeling you seek is within you and you will not find it on the outside. Could you let go of the need to be right and have the last word? So, do you know what is the best time to talk to others?
Have you ever noticed that you go somewhere and you see someone, whom you don't even know, you feel a strong rejection and say to yourself: I'm not going to sit next to that person? It is very likely that this sensation has been caused by a memory that you have accumulated in your subconscious mind.
It is the result of a judgment based solely on a memory you have. Most of the time they are memories of other lifetimes, that's why we react. Actually, you have no idea what is going on, and without knowing it, you are "labeling" that person.
Many times a problem is also a "label". Most of the circumstances we go through and the people we share with, end up labeled by our intellect that thinks it knows. "This is right", "this is wrong", "this person should...".
The question who am I? has no answer, it is unanswerable. Your mind will invent many answers. Your mind will say... you are the essence of life, you are the eternal soul, you are divine, and much more. When all the answers have been rejected, the question disappears... then you know. But this knowledge is not the answer. It is an existential experience.
Human life is just one experience that allows us to grow, and our mission is nothing more or less than being happy no matter what is happening around us.
Have you ever thought that what we call "problems" could be "blessings"? What is a "problem"? Our "problems" are always opportunities, and yes, also a blessing in disguise.
Did you know that the worst thing you can do when you have a problem is worry or think about it? So, what do you have to do when you have a problem?
When we have a problem or challenge, if we take 100% responsibility instead of blaming, complaining or seeing ourselves as victims, we take back our power and do not depend on others changing or doing certain things. Everything you need to change your life is inside yourself. And only when you change, others change.
Most of the problems come from our ancestors. For example, if you know that diabetes runs in your family, you would say: "Oh, I know I'm going to have diabetes because there is a history in my family." However, you can erase diabetes before you have it. The same goes for emotional problems, lack of money, or relationship challenges.
George Orwell said: "In an age of universal deception, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
Mabel Katz is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and seminar leader who is recognized as a leading authority on Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and practice for achieving greater clarity of purpose and living and working more effectively. Mabel Katz is truly an exceptional woman of international stature with universal appeal. The work she does is consistently transforming businesses and improving lives. Her unique presentation goes to people’s core, their soul, and gives them the tools they need to create lasting results. Many have said she has changed their lives forever.
About HO'OPONOPONO | Ho’oponopono is a very ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. Original Hawaiians, the first people to live in Hawaii, used to practice it. Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian word that means “How to correct an error”. If you find that going for the things you want in life is hard, then you will be delighted to know that it does not have to be. Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and wisdom is known as “The Easiest Way,” and those who practice its techniques wholeheartedly agree.
FREE Ho'oponopono Video Course:
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Ho'oponopono for children:
Did you know that there is an easier way to solve your problems and take the road to happiness? Yes! Ho'oponopono is very easy and profoundly effective in creating more peace, wealth, happiness and love. It is time to wake up and start attracting miracles without all the struggle. In these very special times is time to let go and just hold God's hand. Are you ready? It's your choice.
FREE Ho'oponopono Video Course:
About MABEL KATZ | Mabel Katz is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and seminar leader who is recognized as a leading authority on Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and practice for achieving greater clarity of purpose and living and working more effectively. Mabel Katz is truly an exceptional woman of international stature with universal appeal. The work she does is consistently transforming businesses and improving lives. Her unique presentation goes to people’s core, their soul, and gives them the tools they need to create lasting results. Many have said she has changed their lives forever.
About HO'OPONOPONO | Ho’oponopono is a very ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. Original Hawaiians, the first people to live in Hawaii, used to practice it. Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian word that means “How to correct an error”. If you find that going for the things you want in life is hard, then you will be delighted to know that it does not have to be. Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and wisdom is known as “The Easiest Way,” and those who practice its techniques wholeheartedly agree.
Official Website:
Zero Frequency:
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Ho'oponopono for children:
Have you ever felt a slight wind blowing through your heart? It could be a call to action—how can you serve? How could you become an agent of change in service to a better planet? There is another beautiful and empowering alternative (your heart knows there is). We can pick up the torch and do our part for the planet. I hope you will feel the wind and join me for this month’s life-changing Q&A.
Clic to join:
FREE Ho'oponopono Video Course:
About MABEL KATZ | Mabel Katz is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and seminar leader who is recognized as a leading authority on Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and practice for achieving greater clarity of purpose and living and working more effectively. Mabel Katz is truly an exceptional woman of international stature with universal appeal. The work she does is consistently transforming businesses and improving lives. Her unique presentation goes to people’s core, their soul, and gives them the tools they need to create lasting results. Many have said she has changed their lives forever.
About HO'OPONOPONO | Ho’oponopono is a very ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. Original Hawaiians, the first people to live in Hawaii, used to practice it. Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian word that means “How to correct an error”. If you find that going for the things you want in life is hard, then you will be delighted to know that it does not have to be. Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and wisdom is known as “The Easiest Way,” and those who practice its techniques wholeheartedly agree.
Official Website:
Zero Frequency:
Events Calendar:
Official Facebook FanPage:
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About MABEL KATZ | Mabel Katz is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and seminar leader who is recognized as a leading authority on Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and practice for achieving greater clarity of purpose and living and working more effectively. Mabel Katz is truly an exceptional woman of international stature with universal appeal. The work she does is consistently transforming businesses and improving lives. Her unique presentation goes to people’s core, their soul, and gives them the tools they need to create lasting results. Many have said she has changed their lives forever.
About HO'OPONOPONO | Ho’oponopono is a very ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. Original Hawaiians, the first people to live in Hawaii, used to practice it. Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian word that means “How to correct an error”. If you find that going for the things you want in life is hard, then you will be delighted to know that it does not have to be. Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and wisdom is known as “The Easiest Way,” and those who practice its techniques wholeheartedly agree.
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FREE Ho'oponopono Video Course:
About MABEL KATZ | Mabel Katz is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and seminar leader who is recognized as a leading authority on Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and practice for achieving greater clarity of purpose and living and working more effectively. Mabel Katz is truly an exceptional woman of international stature with universal appeal. The work she does is consistently transforming businesses and improving lives. Her unique presentation goes to people’s core, their soul, and gives them the tools they need to create lasting results. Many have said she has changed their lives forever.
About HO'OPONOPONO | Ho’oponopono is a very ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. Original Hawaiians, the first people to live in Hawaii, used to practice it. Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian word that means “How to correct an error”. If you find that going for the things you want in life is hard, then you will be delighted to know that it does not have to be. Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and wisdom is known as “The Easiest Way,” and those who practice its techniques wholeheartedly agree.
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What has been your life journey? Are you happy? Where are you looking for happiness? Life could be easy. You are here to discover who you really are and to live your passion. Connect with your inner child. Follow your heart and find your path with Ho'oponopono, so you can live more at Zero Frequency. Remember, you can change your life without depending on anything or anybody outside yourself, and when you change, everything changes. Let go and trust.
FREE Ho'oponopono Video Course:
About MABEL KATZ | Mabel Katz is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and seminar leader who is recognized as a leading authority on Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and practice for achieving greater clarity of purpose and living and working more effectively. Mabel Katz is truly an exceptional woman of international stature with universal appeal. The work she does is consistently transforming businesses and improving lives. Her unique presentation goes to people’s core, their soul, and gives them the tools they need to create lasting results. Many have said she has changed their lives forever.
About HO'OPONOPONO | Ho’oponopono is a very ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. Original Hawaiians, the first people to live in Hawaii, used to practice it. Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian word that means “How to correct an error”. If you find that going for the things you want in life is hard, then you will be delighted to know that it does not have to be. Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and wisdom is known as “The Easiest Way,” and those who practice its techniques wholeheartedly agree.
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Ho’oponopono made me realize that the memories that were playing inside me were attracting everything in my life. This idea of 100% responsibility was liberating for me and changed my life immediately. I quickly came to realize that Ho’oponopono works like the delete key on the keyboard of our computer. We choose to let go instead of trying to be right, allowing another part of us that knows better (inspiration) to show up in our lives and guide us so that we can be at the right time, at the right place, with the right people. I did not study how to write books and my books have changed the lives of many people around the world. This is the path of inspiration, hand in hand with the magic of Ho'oponopono.
FREE Ho'oponopono Video Course:
About MABEL KATZ | Mabel Katz is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and seminar leader who is recognized as a leading authority on Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and practice for achieving greater clarity of purpose and living and working more effectively. Mabel Katz is truly an exceptional woman of international stature with universal appeal. The work she does is consistently transforming businesses and improving lives. Her unique presentation goes to people’s core, their soul, and gives them the tools they need to create lasting results. Many have said she has changed their lives forever.
About HO'OPONOPONO | Ho’oponopono is a very ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. Original Hawaiians, the first people to live in Hawaii, used to practice it. Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian word that means “How to correct an error”. If you find that going for the things you want in life is hard, then you will be delighted to know that it does not have to be. Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and wisdom is known as “The Easiest Way,” and those who practice its techniques wholeheartedly agree.
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Ho'oponopono for children:
A new paradigm is upon us. In nearly all aspects of life, from science to education, to business, and even to our climate we are realizing that what used to work doesn’t work anymore. This is why it is crucial that we practice connecting to Zero. Now, more than ever, the planet needs us to be our true selves, free from fear, memories, negativity and perceived limitations. The Universe is calling on all of us to connect with our real identity and go to Zero, for in this limitless, innocent, joyful state, we can rise to the occasion and heal the world. As the world whirls, allow yourself to fall into the new paradigm. Embrace it and blend with the earth. Do not resist. Go with the flow. Trust the uncertain. Remember, what you resist, persists. Do not be afraid. What is coming is better and greater.
FREE Ho'oponopono Video Course:
About MABEL KATZ | Mabel Katz is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and seminar leader who is recognized as a leading authority on Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and practice for achieving greater clarity of purpose and living and working more effectively. Mabel Katz is truly an exceptional woman of international stature with universal appeal. The work she does is consistently transforming businesses and improving lives. Her unique presentation goes to people’s core, their soul, and gives them the tools they need to create lasting results. Many have said she has changed their lives forever.
About HO'OPONOPONO | Ho’oponopono is a very ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. Original Hawaiians, the first people to live in Hawaii, used to practice it. Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian word that means “How to correct an error”. If you find that going for the things you want in life is hard, then you will be delighted to know that it does not have to be. Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and wisdom is known as “The Easiest Way,” and those who practice its techniques wholeheartedly agree.
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Ho'oponopono for children:
Mabel Katz is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and seminar leader who is recognized as a leading authority on Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and practice for achieving greater clarity of purpose and living and working more effectively. Mabel Katz is truly an exceptional woman of international stature with universal appeal. The work she does is consistently transforming businesses and improving lives. Her unique presentation goes to people’s core, their soul, and gives them the tools they need to create lasting results. Many have said she has changed their lives forever.
About HO'OPONOPONO | Ho’oponopono is a very ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. Original Hawaiians, the first people to live in Hawaii, used to practice it. Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian word that means “How to correct an error”. If you find that going for the things you want in life is hard, then you will be delighted to know that it does not have to be. Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and wisdom is known as “The Easiest Way,” and those who practice its techniques wholeheartedly agree.
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Ho'oponopono for children:
Mabel Katz is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and seminar leader who is recognized as a leading authority on Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and practice for achieving greater clarity of purpose and living and working more effectively. Mabel Katz is truly an exceptional woman of international stature with universal appeal. The work she does is consistently transforming businesses and improving lives. Her unique presentation goes to people’s core, their soul, and gives them the tools they need to create lasting results. Many have said she has changed their lives forever.
About HO'OPONOPONO | Ho’oponopono is a very ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. Original Hawaiians, the first people to live in Hawaii, used to practice it. Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian word that means “How to correct an error”. If you find that going for the things you want in life is hard, then you will be delighted to know that it does not have to be. Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and wisdom is known as “The Easiest Way,” and those who practice its techniques wholeheartedly agree.
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